eighteen: the kickback

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eighteen: the kickback

"You don't mean that." Zayn whispers, looking at Louis with wide eyes and a rather shocked expression on his face. Zayn wanted to believe Louis, but after everything that's happened between the both of them... it was a  little hard for him to. He couldn't trust Louis. 

"I do, I do mean it. You know me, Zayn. I wouldn't say I love you just for the hell of it." Louis says back, his voice coming off desperate as he looks at Zayn. He knew Zayn believing him was a long shot, Zayn literally had no reason whatsoever to believe Louis. 

"You gotta believe me, Zayn. I love you." Louis tries to reason with Zayn, but Zayn was having none of it. Zayn stares at Louis for a moment, his expression void of any emotion as he looks at him. Louis felt nervous, unsure of what was going to happen next but he could already tell by Zayn's face that it wasn't going to be good. 

"Why the f uck do you keep doing this to me?! Why won't you just let me move on?!" Zayn ended up screaming at Louis, frustrated tears springing to his eyes. Zayn slowly sinks down onto the ground, the sheer force of all the emotions he was feeling becoming  little too much. He was tired, he was done. Louis jumps, more than surprised that Zayn actually got that angry with him... he hadn't expected that in the slightest. 

"Zayn..." Louis starts, reaching down to touch Zayn only to have the older flinch away from him.  

"Don't. Please don't touch me." 

"Okay... I won't touch you... I'm so-" 

"I need you to go, Louis. I get that you don't want to, but I need to be alone. I can't... I can't be around you right now, I need you to go." Zayn's voice is stern, unwavering and Louis could tell just how serious he is.  

"What?" Louis was a little surprised to say the least, looking at Zayn with wide eyes. 

"Please just go..." Zayn's voice cracks as he looks down at his hands. He didn't want to look at Louis, if he did there was no saying what he'd do. 

"What about the boys?" Louis asks, looking into the front room where Nathan and Ethan were both sitting and playing. Zayn looks over there too, his heart aching as he does so. He wanted so badly for them to stay here with him, but he knew that Louis would want to take them with him. Louis seems to catch on to what Zayn is thinking though, the younger boy biting his bottom lip before he lets out a shaky sigh. He didn't want to leave, let alone leave without his sons... but Louis felt like he owed Zayn. Zayn deserved the chance to be with their sons, he deserved the chance to be a father without Louis hovering over him. 

"I'll leave them with you. You still have a few more days with them anyways... I'll uh... I'll come back on Sunday to pick them up." 

"Thank you..." Zayn whispers, refusing to look at Louis. Louis nods softly before finally walking out the front door.


Harry was woken up by a loud knock on his front door around one in the morning. The young boy lets out a groan, turning onto his side before he throws a pillow over his head. He silently prayed that whoever it was would just go away, or if they had just been a figment of his imagination. Unfortunately for him, the knocking kept on going and Harry couldn't ignore it any longer. He sighs dramatically before kicking off the covers and leaving his room. He nearly runs into his couch, letting out a silent curse before he stumbles the rest of the way to the door. It takes a minute for Harry's eyes to adjust to the light coming from the porch, but when they did Harry was a little more than confused.

"Lou? What are you doing here?" Harry asks, his voice still groggy.

"C-Can I come in?" Louis whispers, his voice cracking as he speaks. It was then that Harry noticed how red Louis' eyes were, an obvious sign that Louis had been crying.

"Course..." Harry says, stepping aside and letting Louis inside. Harry shuts the door behind him, turning on the light to the front room. He blinks for a second, letting his eyes adjust to the light before he looks at Louis.

"You wanna tell me why you're here?" Harry asks again, letting out a soft sigh when Louis bit his bottom lip and shook his head.

"Do you mind if I just stay here for tonight? I'll be gone by morning, I just didn't want to drive all the way back to my place tonight..." Louis says quietly.

"Yeah, that's fine... You can crash in my room, I'll take the couch."

"I can sleep on the cou-"

"Louis, I'm tried and I don't feel like arguing. Take the damn bed." Harry says, already jumping onto the couch and ending the conversation. Louis sighs softly before doing as Harry said, walking down the hall and into Harry's room. Louis climbs into the bed, burying his face into the pillow and breathes in. It smells just like Harry, but that wasn't what Louis wanted right now. He wanted Zayn, but Zayn didn't want him.

And that hurt more than anything else. 


and this is where I say I have no f ucking clue what I'm doing tbh.

I cry.

Anyways, dedication goes to onedsprincesss

QOTC: don't have one cause i'm tired af




connie xx 

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