twenty-six: family time

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twenty-six: family time

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get the boys?" Zayn asks as he sits down at the kitchen table. Harry had taken the boys for the night, leaving Robbie and Zayn in an empty house with endless possibilities as to what they could do. It was nearly noon and Zayn knew it was time for him to get his sons. Harry had told him he would take them for the entire day, but Zayn didn't want to be home alone.

"Yeah, I've gotta get going anyways. Some of us still have a full time job." Robbie teases, earning an eye roll from Zayn. It wasn't that Zayn didn't have his job anymore, he just worked from home more days than in the office. He still went in on Fridays and Monday's, but the rest of the week he was at home with the boys.

"Alright, are you coming over tonight?" Zayn asks, taking a sip of his coffee as he waits for Robbie's answer.

"Probably not, just depends on what time I get off." Robbie says, shrugging before he kisses Zayn's cheek. Zayn smiles softly at that before sneaking a kiss of his own. Robbie rolls his eyes when Zayn tries to take it a little further, pushing him away before smirking at Zayn

"I gotta go now, I'll see you later." And with that Robbie leaves. Zayn lets out a sigh before he grabs his own keys, not wanting to be in the house alone. He always hated it when he was the only one home, it reminded him of how it used to be.

He hated an empty house.

It doesn't take Zayn long to drive to Harry's, pulling into the parking lot for the apartment building after about ten minutes of driving. He lets out a sigh as he climbs out of his car, locking at as he walks up to the stairs to Harry's apartment. He knocks on the door before waiting patiently for Harry to answer. Zayn frowns a little when Harry doesn't answer after a minute or two, so instead of waiting he walks inside.

"Daddy!" Nathan shrieks out, running straight for Zayn before Zayn even got the chance to close the door. Zayn grins down at him, picking Nathan up and kissing his cheeks rather obnoxiously. Nathan giggles, pushing at Zayn's face as he goes to kiss his cheek yet again. Nathan settles down after a moment or two, grinning rather largely.

"Were you and your brother good for your Uncle Harry?" Zayn asks after he finally stops, his attention solely on Nathan who nods before looking over at his brother. Ethan was sitting on the floor with coloring books, his tongue poking out as he concentrates on whatever it was he was drawing. Zayn walks over to Ethan before crouching down, looking down at the picture with a smile. Zayn wasn't exactly sure it was Ethan was drawing, but he was only two and half. He wasn't going to be drawing like Van Gogh any time soon.

"What's that your drawing?" Zayn asks, letting out a soft groan as he sits down on the ground with Nathan in his lap. Ethan doesn't answer him at first, continuing to focus on his drawing before he finally finished.

"My family." Ethan says, holding up the picture so that Zayn could see it. Zayn goes to ask who's who but Harry's voice interrupted him before he got the chance.

"Zayn? I thought you weren't getting the boys till tonight." Harry says, awkwardly glancing towards the guest bedroom where Louis was putting Quinn down for a nap.

"Robbie had to work and I missed my boys." Zayn says, wrapping his arms around both of his sons before pulling them close to his sides.

"Daddy, stop." Nathan whined when Zayn nuzzles his nose into his hair. The room falls quiet for a moment, Zayn just cuddling with his sons while Harry continued to look nervously towards the guest room. He hadn't even heard Zayn knock on the door, he didn't get the chance to really hide Louis. Harry knew how Zayn would react when he saw Louis and he really didn't want to be there to witness that bomb going off.

Unfortunately for Harry, he didn't exactly have the best of luck.

"Hey Harry have y-" Louis stops mid sentence, his eyes falling on to Zayn who looked up from the twins slowly. Zayn's eyes widened, his mouth dropping open as he stares at Louis who was holding a sleeping baby in his arms.

"Mummy! Save me!" Nathan yells, squirming out of Zayn's arms and running towards Louis who still stood in the hallway in complete shock. He hadn't expected to see the twins today, let alone Zayn.

He had definitely not expected to see Zayn.

"Mummy, save me!" Nathan yells again, jumping up and down as if that would make Louis decide to hold him. Louis was too busy trying not to freak out, his heart racing and his breathing becoming labored.

Zayn on the other hand couldn't look at Louis and instead chooses to pretend like he wasn't even there.

"Thanks for watching the boys, we should be heading home now. Boys, say goodbye to your Uncle Harry, we're leaving." Zayn says quietly, standing up from the floor and letting Ethan go over to Harry. Nathan does as he's told as well, looking up at Harry before the boys both said goodbye in unison. Zayn continues to ignore Louis, waiting patiently for his sons to be ready to go. Zayn picks Ethan up after they said their goodbyes, grabbing Nathan's hand before heading towards the door.

"Bye Mummy..." Ethan says quietly, blowing a kiss towards Louis before laying his head on Zayn's shoulder.


That ending is on point.


I cry.

QOTC: so thoughts on Zayn's reaction or lack of to seeing Louis?




Connie xx

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