seven: the tantrum

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seven: the tantrum

"No!" Nathan practically screams at Zayn when he tried to pick Ethan up off the floor. Ethan was full on crying, his face a very scary shade of red and his cheeks wet with tears. Zayn wasn't even sure what happened, one minute the boys were perfectly fine and the next Ethan was crying and Nathan... Well Nathan was being a little shit. Zayn had told Harry to go home and Robbie was working so it left Zayn with the twins on his own and he wasn't sure what to do. He had tried almost everything that Louis had done, but no matter what he did Ethan continued to cry and Nathan continued to scream.

This was technically his first time being alone with the twins for more than an hour... Normally Louis was there hovering over him, making sure that Nathan and Ethan were both satisfied and happy...

But Zayn didn't have Louis right now.

And there was no way in hell he was calling him to ask what to do.

Louis already thought Zayn wasn't a good father, Zayn didn't want to give him anymore reason to think that. Zayn was a good father, or at least he liked to believe so. He hadn't had much experience yet.

"It's okay Ethan, it's alright." Zayn says quietly carefully bouncing the crying baby as he held him close to his chest. Nathan was still screaming the word no at Zayn, now practically clawing at Zayn's leg as Zayn tries to comfort Ethan. Nothing seemed to be working, Ethan was still crying and Nathan was getting angrier by the second. Zayn was so busy trying to calm both of the boys down, he didn't even hear the doorbell ring. It want until Nathan shouted a different word besides no that Zayn realized he wasn't alone with the twins.

"Ma!" Nathan yells, letting go of Zayn's leg and walking over to Louis who was standing in the doorway of the den. Louis smiles brightly as he crouched down to pick up Nathan, kissing the small baby's cheek before looking at Zayn.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn asks, his voice bitter. Ethan had calmed down now too, looking at Louis sadly but he didn't reach for him like Nathan did. Louis doesn't really feel that offended though, Ethan wasn't as big of a mummy's boy as Nathan was... Nathan loved Louis more than anything else in the world. Ethan and Louis weren't as close.

"Ethan forgot his toy in my car and well...when that happens he steals Nathan's and Nathan doesn't like it when Ethan steals his toy...." Louis says awkwardly, taking a step into the room which only made Zayn take a step back. Louis knew better than to be offended by that, mainly due to the fact that this was his own doing. Louis also tries not to laugh when he notices that both Zayn and Ethan were giving him a skeptical look, almost as if they were unsure of him. Ethan reminded Louis of Zayn, he was exactly like his father. Louis eventually gets close enough to Ethan and Zayn to hand the small baby his favorite stuffed animal. Zayn takes note that it's the same stuffed rabbit he'd gotten Ethan the first time he saw the twins. That didn't make Zayn's anger disappear though.

"Alright. You gave him the toy, you can go now." Zayn was still abrasive, wanting nothing more than for Louis to leave. He was still angry from their conversation at the diner, he had every right to be.

"Alright. Fair enough. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call..." Louis says quietly, knowing better than to argue with Zayn any more. He had already said enough today, he didn't need to make Zayn angrier. Louis goes to put Nathan down, which of course didn't go over well with the small child. Nathan let out a shriek, his hands gripping onto Louis' shirt for dear life. Zayn lets out a sigh, instantly knowing what was going to happen the second Louis left. Zayn was going to have to take care of an upset Nathan who, unlike his brother, wouldn't calm down unless Louis or Harry was around.

"Look, it's late. You... You can stay here for the night or something. I don't want you getting into an accident or something." Zayn says quietly, even though he felt like asking Louis to stay was going to be a mistake. It was always a mistake.

"I'll be fine... It's not too long of a drive and I'm fine with driving at ni-"

"You're staying here. It's raining outside alright? Please don't argue with me."

"O-Okay... Uh thanks..." Louis says awkwardly, unsure of why Zayn really asked him to stay. Last he checked, Zayn hated him and Louis deserved that hate.

"Yeah." Zayn says before pushing past Louis and walking into the kitchen. Ethan was now cuddling against Zayn's chest, breathing quietly as he clung onto his arm. Louis doesn't follow him, letting out a rather long sigh of his own as he looks at Nathan. Nathan smiles brightly at Louis, patting Louis' cheek softly which in turn earned a soft chuckle from him.

"What have I gotten myself into, baby boy?" Louis finds himself asking, looking at the door that Zayn just walked out of.

Louis felt like staying was a big mistake...

It was always a big mistake.


I don't know what I'm doing.

Whoop Whoop.

Dedication goes to _ZarryBunny_X

QOTC: so... Louis' staying the night... what do you guys think is going to happen?




Connie xx

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