Black Wings

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"I'm a demon," Damien said hesitantly.

A demon? A freaking demon? Maybe this is just a dream. A crazy, nightmarish, scarily real dream. I'm going to wake up and laugh off this horrible nightmare. My brain was having trouble working and formulating a response so I just stared dumbly at him. And his wings. They were the same midnight black as his hair, and despite being in the water they refused to get any water droplets to stick to them. I was amazed and frightened, both interested and repulsed.

"Rune..." he said softly, and my head snapped back to his face. The hurt and pleading was evident in his eyes, but I ignored it.

"Take me home," I told him numbly as I got out of the pool and hopped into his hummer, not even bothering to change. I glanced at him as he cleaned up the picnic table. The once prominent wings protruding from his back had disappeared once again and I shuddered as my mind flashed back to the image of them unfurled. I resisted the urge to cringe away from him as he settled in behind the wheel. He sighed ever so softly, before starting up the engine and pulling away, heading towards my house.

With my clothes hitched under my arm I hopped out of the hummer, not even bothering to wait for it to stop completely, and strode towards the door. I heard Damien close on my heels but I refused to turn around and instead completely ignored him. I hesitated with my hand resting on the handle of my front door. Did I really want to just leave him out here? Making up my mind, I pushed through the door and slammed it behind me, not bothering who heard or if I had possibly hit Damien. What I needed was sleep, and by God I was going to get it.

Somehow I managed to sleep through two alarms, my sister jumping on my bed, my parents bugging me to get up, and a whack upside the head before everyone just left me alone. I refused to go to school. I wouldn't face Damien, not yet. After waiting a full hour of the house being silent, I crept out of bed. Verifying no one was home, I grabbed my tub of chocolate chip mint ice cream, a spoon, and settled down to watch sappy love movies on Netflix. I resisted the urge to cry or sob every time two people kissed passionately. It only reminded me of who I was trying to forget. When I finished my tub of ice cream I curled up in my blanket and fell asleep on the couch.

The doorbell ringing woke me up. Why couldn't they just go away? The doorbell rang five more times before I relented and got up to see who it was. I opened the door without checking who it was first. Again.

I really need to start checking who is at the door instead of just opening it, I chided to myself moments before I saw Damien in the doorway. But this wasn't the Damien I knew. This one was different, with bags under his eyes, which were slightly bloodshot, and his hair a mess. Were those dried tear streaks?

We just stood there, staring at each other. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath till my lungs started burning. Taking a deep breath I steeled my nerves and said, "I'm not ready to deal with this yet."

He nodded sadly before answering. "Alright. Then I'll wait for you."

I stared in disbelief as he walked to my lawn and proceeded to sit down and face the street. I closed the door quietly, continuing to stare at his back until the door blocked my view of him. After peeking at him through the blinds every ten minutes, only to find him there in the same spot every time, I finally sighed and sat down to think.

Okay so I'm clearly falling for him. But he's a demon. Isn't that dangerous? Does he want me or just something from me? I don't want to get used but I don't want to let what we have go either. Does him being a demon even matter? Should it? Maybe I should just go talk to him....

Making up my mind, I slowly crept out the front door. He didn't budge as I moved to sit beside him and stare in the same direction. We sat in silence for a little while before I cleared my throat,

"Are you dangerous?" I practically whispered. I felt him tense up beside me but he relaxed just as quickly.

"Not to you. Only to others," he replied darkly.

I looked at him quizzically. "Why not me?"

He turned his empty gaze on me, looking me dead in the eye, before he said, "Because I want you."

Anger flashed through me. Does that mean he would just toss me aside like a boring toy? That this all meant nothing but something to ease his boredom? I stood up prepared to storm into the house when he caught my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"I didn't mean it like that," he said so softly I had to strain to hear.

Getting control over my emotional turmoil, I sat back down again. A silence settled between us before I heard him speak.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"Yes," I answered immediately. Even I was taken aback at the honesty in my voice. Was he really all that scary? I looked at him, really looked at him. My heart sped up and then ached when I saw him try to hide his pained look. Crap. I'd officially fallen for him.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, just a light brushing of my lips against his skin that sent shivers through my body. "But given time I can get used to it."

He looked at me brightly and butterflies fluttered crazily in my stomach as I watched, deep in his eyes, a warm glow began to grow. He slowly leaned in and brushed his lips past mine, and within moments our mouths were locked in heated passion. I moaned into the kiss and he only smiled while our tongues danced together.

Pulling away for air, I let a small smile spread on my lips while Damien grinned. Getting up, I held out my hand to him. Once he took it I led us into my house and up to my room.

"I want to see them," I said, staring back at his once again black eyes.

He nodded before he took off his shirt, revealing his lean upper body and light dusting of abs with a happy trail disappearing into his jeans. With his eyes on me, wings began to grow and form from behind him. I gasped as they touched both walls as they stretched before slightly retracting. A smirk flashed on his face before it disappeared again as he studied me closely.

I slowly walked toward him, ignoring his following gaze as I reach out a tentative hand toward one of his wings. It ruffled at my first touch and I snatched my hand back. Damien just chuckled as I took a deep breath and reached toward it again. This time it didn't react, and I stretched all my fingers out to caress it. The feathers felt softer than clouds as I let my hand fall away from them. I looked over at Damien and gasped quietly.

His usually black eyes were glowing red, just like they had in the hallway that day he saved me from Jack and his goons. My hand reached out of its own accord and cupped Damien's face. Affection and lust flashed through his red eyes as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. I sighed and laid my head on him. No words were needed.

Note: Sorry for such a short chapter!!! Was having a bit of writer's block to my annoyance. -.- anyways, things are about to get interesting so sit tight. I promise the next chapter will be a lot longer. Comments are greatly appreciated ^_^

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