War Council

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*Rune's POV*

When Damien crumbled to the ground I stumbled over to him, begging in my mind for him to be alright. I barely noticed that the dark aura around him receded or how Luke and Viviana crowded behind me. All I could do was focus on Damien and stare at his closed eyes, wishing they would just open and show me I could have him back from whatever it was that took him in the first place.

My heart skipped a few beats and almost exploded inside my chest when his eyes fluttered. I couldn't keep the grin from my face as I saw him slowly drag his eyelids open all the way. His unclouded black eyes stared back at me, and he smiled.

Damien pulled me down and kissed me, rough and harsh and demanding but at the same time delicate and wanting. I poured my heart into it, wanting him to know exactly how I felt about him coming back to me.

Somebody behind me cleared their throat, "Uh, sorry to interrupt this touching reunion, but we really should be skedaddling out of here soon, or better yet now."

I groaned as Damien slowly pulled away from the kiss, smirking against my lips before looking behind me at whoever spoke.

"Yeah, you're right. I know the perfect spot too," he replied in his rumbly voice that I had missed so much. I glanced around us at all the wreckage and rubble before giving Damien a confused look. He winked at me before taking Luke's arm and hoisting himself up.

Damien focused on the spot in front of him, seemingly seeing something the rest of us couldn't. A black orb faded into view, growing to the size of a soccer ball before stopping. Damien concentrated even harder on it and the orb shivered before growing in size and stretching into a doorway shape. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and my arm snaked around his waist.

Together we stumbled toward the black doorway. It looked unsafe, but I trusted Damien more than I did myself. Moving through it was cold and it felt like icy fingers were grazing my skin, but I just gritted my teeth and forged ahead.

My vision was filled with black at first, but it soon lifted from my eyes like a fog to reveal a sandy beach with a setting sun and sparkling waves lapping softly at the shore. I looked behind Damien and I to see Luke and Viviana looking around in confusion and wonder which is exactly what I was thinking and feeling. I turned to ask Damien how the hell did we got here but he spoke first.

"Questions later. Right now I need to rest and I'm sure Luke wouldn't mind a little down time," Damien said loud enough for us all to hear. I shut my mouth and nodded, and when I looked back in front of us I saw beach chairs, towels, and a house that had appeared out of no where.

I didn't have much time to stare in wonder and puzzlement as Damien headed slowly but steadily towards the house, taking me with him since I was wrapped around him and him around me. I remained quiet all the way up to the door of the house. I only broke it when I chuckled at hearing Viviana squeal and yell "The water is real!"

I focused back on Damien and we said nothing as he directed me through the unfamiliar house. We climbed up a set of stairs and he headed toward a bedroom at the end of a hall. Opening the door, I glanced around the room, marveling at how gorgeous yet simple it was with its four-post bed and hanging flat screen T.V. He led me into the bathroom where I set him down on the side of the tub and started drawing a bath before helping him take off his clothes.

"You can ask me you know," Damien stated, staring at me intensely as I busied myself with revealing his sinfully sexy body. I just shook my head and stayed silent. He huffed, making me chuckle.

Once the bath was drawn and Damien was naked, I carefully helped him into it. But as I turned to go, he yanked me into the tub with him and I yelped with the sudden change in motion before I crashed into the steaming water.

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