The King's Send Off

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I wake with the sun; an unusual habit for me. I usually sleep much later in the day since I spend my nights up and active. I try to roll over and just go back to sleep but it doesn't work. I'm too excited. After yawning, stretching and grumbling my hatred for the morning, I get out of bed. The cold floor greets me and makes me grimace with displeasure. Mornings and cold. Two of my least favourite things.

I drag a blanket off my bed and wrap it around myself before sitting at the window seat. I look out over the horizon and watch the sun slowly emerging from its hiding place. I've seen sunrises before. I've watched with tired eyes as the night bursts into dawn. It usually signals that I've been awake far too long and I should go find a spot to curl up and sleep. With my mind fresh and ready for a new day, the sunrise strikes me as more beautiful than any I've seen before. I watch until the sun is fully above the skyline and making its daily trek across the sky. It becomes to bright for my eyes and I am forced to look away.

I stand up, pull clothes out of the closet and dress. I toss my blankets back onto the bed, making them look roughly like what they did the night before. I rummage through the closet and one chest until I've found a cloth bag. I throw trousers and shirt into it. I take a moment to survey the room, hoping I've grabbed anything that will be of use.

There is time to spare and so I go to the full length mirror in the corner of the room. I stand before it and stare into my reflection. I've seen my face in cracked mirrors, water, and other reflective surfaces, but this is more clear than I've ever seen before. My long brown hair frames my face and ends in a ragged cut. Some of my bangs block my green eyes and freckled nose, but I've gotten used to see past it. I'm thin, almost scrawny compared to most of the staff here, but I know I've always looked better than many of the other poor children I knew. I was at least a capable thief.

A knock tears my gaze from the mirror to the door. I glance back at my reflection before going and opening the door. Elaina carries in a tray piled high with all kinds of food, from oatmeal to small cakes to eggs. I try to take the tray for her, but she walks past me and set it on the small table. She turns and gives me the biggest smile I've seen. I feel obligated to smile back, but it isn't hard. "Are you excited?" she asks me.

I nod. I know I'll be returning and that lessens my excitement, but I am still eager to go home. "I cannot wait to see my friends," I say. "I haven't been this happy since I got here." a sad thought drives the smile from my face. "I never even got to say good bye."

She shifts from foot to foot and I feel like she doesn't know what to say. After the awkward silence has stretched out more, she sighs. "I will just leave you to your meal then," she say quietly. "Good-bye Miss Lark. Enjoy your time." Her hand is on the door when she stops and turns. "I nearly forgot." She hands me a cloak that was over her arm. "This should keep you warmer on your journey." She smiles and then leaves.

I turn to my food, listening to the door close behind her. I take a seat and begin eating. I eat the food that will not keep, carefully filling my belly with the hot food I rarely enjoyed before coming here. The fruit and other foods I can wrap, I pack away in my bag, saving for some hungry moment. I know the prince will appreciate it later. Lathering jam over bread, my mouth explodes with the unfamiliar flavour. I've never tried jam on bread. I barely ate fresh bread. I've now fallen in love with it and I will hate to leave it behind. Nearing the end of all the food, I begin to slow down, but I try to finish it all, knowing this will be my last good meal for a few days. Finally, the plate before me is empty and some of it is tucked away in my bag, but most is in my belly.

I give myself a good portion of time to myself. The prince will eat slower than I have. However, there comes a point where I can wait no longer. I grab my bag, sling it over my shoulder and leave the room. I now realize I never told the queen where we were to meet, so I just head for the stables.

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