Author's Note

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Hi! I'm Amelia, the author of this series of one (or more) shots. Here are a few notes before we begin-

- I'm from the USA (but im Filipino ayy) so Korean or any other foreign languages are NOT my first language! So please excuse ANY typos that may occur, and let me know so I can fix them to your liking <3

- Please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors, as I'm using my phone to type this without autocorrect. It's my goal to ensure your happiness, EXOTICS!

- I do take requests! Just comment the member and the plot! If you'd like a specific name, please let me know! However, if I don't use the name but do use your plot, please be aware that I am fully acknowledging that it's directed to you. I know some people find it hard to picture themselves when another name is being said.

- I AM CURRENTLY VERY BUSY! So I won't have a "usual updating schedule." Ideas for stories will just come to me! I'll write and post as quickly and as often as I can, okay?

- Sorry if the plot is confusing or too straightforward. It's hard to fit an entire story, plot, and backstory into one (or two) chapters! I'll try my very best.

- Before you read the first chapter and just quit (which I admit to doing myself,) please give me a chance as my newer chapters will incorporate my slowly improving writing style. I admit, some of my chapters are not the ones I am proudest of, but please just give me a chance. I'll improve as I go along, promise <3

I think that's it for now! I love you all so much!

EXO ONESHOTS [open for requests]Where stories live. Discover now