Imperfect Perfection- D.O.

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[a/n this story is based off a hannah montana cover song #dontjudge]

If we were a movie, you'd be the right guy...

But he wasn't. Not at first, at least.

"Ugh, _____. Can't you leave me alone? My God, there's no way I'm meeting your friends or family now. You know how I am, jagiya. I can't help that I get anxious whenever I try to socialize. So please, please stop trying."


"No! Just- Just leave it."

And I'd be the best friend that you'd fall in love with...

But I wasn't. Not at first, at least.

e a r l i e r

"I hate you, you disgusting, stupid, dumb, pabo!" You yelled at D.O., the only kid who could outdo you in everything.

"See if I care, idiot." He answered coldly.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." You turned and were immediately spun around by a surprisingly strong arm.

"Wait. I... I like you."


"You heard me. I like you. I can't approach you... the only way I can get you to notice me is to outdo you."

"Really? You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm sorry, I ju-"

You cut him off by pressing your lips to his.

In the end, we'd be laughing, watching the sunset...

But it wasn't like that. Not at first, at least.

"Aish! Wake up, sleepyhead! We're gonna miss the sunrise!" You shook your boyfriend awake.

"Okay, okay, I'm up jagiya!"

You stood silently in the cold, your hands kept warm and held in his pocket. He loosened his grip on your hand.

"What's wrong?"

"I... I think I love you." He exhaled, his breath escaping like steam into the air.

"What?" You started to cry. He.. loves you?

"Saranghae, _____."

"Saranghae, Kyungsoo."

You pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I'm sorry I'm not perfect, I'm limited, I treat you differently than girls want."

"I love you for who you are, don't forget that. Okay? I won't leave you."


And you were both crying in front of the sunrise.

Fade to black, show the names, play that happy song...

It wasn't like that. Well... maybe it was.

"_____," Your boyfriend of four years, D.O., called your name. "I know our relationship... wasn't perfect. We had trouble keeping up our half of the relationship. But we did it. And I'm so glad you didn't give up on me. It was nothing like either of us pictured. But we're here now. Marry me, _____?"


Eleven of Kyungsoo's friends came out and played a happy song as he picked you up in his arms, kissing you. And both of you were smiling because of the the imperfect perfection that you two had.


[a/n lol d.o. is my bias so there will probably be a lot of imagines for him woo]

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