Wished- Tao

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"I swear to every goddamn star in the sky, if I have to open one more textbook..." you muttered to your best friend, who wasn't listening. "Hello? Are you even listening?"

"Mmm," she said dreamily, obviously daydreaming. "Cotton candy, corn dogs and potato twists..." she continued. "Ooh, and funnel cake, with the little strawberries... Come on, _____! Let's go to the fair! Today's the last day, _____."

"I can't, final exams are coming up."

"Let's go!" She had already dragged you out of your seat, grabbing both of your purses.

You looked like shit.

"Wait, wait! Okay, I'll go, but can I at least look presentable?"

"Five minutes."

You quickly changed into your favourite outfit, pulling your hair into a ponytail. You applied some mascara and sighed in the mirror. Whatever.

"I'll go get us some food, okay?" Your friend called out, already walking toward the ice cream booth.

"Okay..." you trailed off. Your head was pulsating with annoyance as you tried to weave your way through the giant crowds of small children with their parents, annoying, pubescent groups of teenagers, and couples and other adults. "Argh, I need to rest." You ran across a group of benches surrounding a clear, minty coloured fountain.

Wishing booth, the sign said.

"Ahh," you exhaled as you slumped into the wooden bench. Soon after, you found your already heavy eyelids slowly droop. "Five... five minutes."

"Hello, miss?" You opened your eyes. A tall boy, his baggy, brown eyes wide with concern. You sat up groggily, trying to recalibrate yourself.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Oh my goodness." You bowed at him solemnly as soon as you realized your surroundings. You couldn't help but stare at his hair, tinted the same colour as the water fountain.

"It's okay, I just didn't want people to be worried like I was."

He stuck his hand out to you. You took it as his large hand firmly grasped yours with a shake.



"So _____, what did you wish for here?"


"It's... a wishing fountain?" He cocked his head to the side, his minty hair covering his curious eyes.

"Uh... I haven't wished for anything, really. I just needed a place to rest and..."


You found a spare coin in your coat pocket. You stood as Tao followed you to the shimmery pool.

"This day has been shit."


"I'm wishing for a pass on my tests. Studying has made life so hard, I've almost forgotten what it's been like to go outside." You tossed the coin in after a last squeeze for extra luck.

"Ha!" Tao laughed, clapping his hands. You couldn't help but smile a little.

"Oh, shut up." You rolled your eyes to divert his attention from your growing smile. "So what about you? What will you wish for, Tao?"

He gripped the tiny coin in his soft hand before stuffing it back in his pocket.

"All my friends bailed on me. All. Eleven. Of. Them. I thought this day wouldn't get any worse, I only had 500 won on me. I guess them bailing on me was a good thing. If I hadn't come here to wish for something to prove that I shouldn't go home, I wouldn't of ran into you."

"Aw, that's so sad."

"Not really, I wanted something to turn my day from bad to great. And what I wished for was already answered before I had to throw the coin into the pool. It was answered by you."

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