Mint- Kai

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"I can't think properly when you're staring at me like that," you looked over at your dance partner, Kai as you stopped the music, turning to look at him with a firm hand on your hip.

"I'm just trying to get a solid feel for the mood and flow of it." the self-acclaimed "best dancer in the studio," roughly translated into "really hot, super sweet but kind of an egotistical asshole" Kai retorted.

You shot him a glare back, hiding the smile growing on your face that he seemed to plant there everyday you were together in the studio rehearsing.

"Come on, dude. It's been five weeks and twenty-five practices and you STILL can't "get a solid feel for the mood and flow of it?" You sighed. "Come on, it's the recital today."

"Don't call me dude, _____." He called you the nickname you despised yet liked to hear fall out of his... gorgeous lips. "You are a refined lady."

"Oh, am I?"

"Shut up, let's get this over with already."

"Hold on, lemme spit out this gum."

You spat out the now bland wintergreen Extra into a wrapper, tossing it carelessly into the trash. You pulled out a new piece, stuffing it into your mouth.

"Can I have a piece?"

"Hell no, Kai! I don't wanna waste my precious gum on... that." You pointed at his toned body, trying to hide your blush with a disgusted look.

You tried to hide the fact that you liked him, but because you and Kai were the best male and female dancers in the biggest dance studio in Seoul, all the directors put you two together for complicated, sensual routines.

That made it pretty hard, especially when all the younger girls and boys in the studio thought you were already dating.

"You're on in two, Jongin, _____!" your director yelled into the tiny practice room. "Spit out your gum, Miss _____."

"Fine, whatever." He rolled his eyes. "Now can we dance?"

"Finally," you sighed, tired of trying to act normal around him. Your relationship was quite complicated.

You insulted and hated each other, but talked on the phone and shared secrets kept from the rest of the world, only to act distanced the next day.

He was you best friend and your worst enemy- no, a distraction. You would stop everything for him in a way you couldn't describe.

"_____? Don't tell me you're zoning again."

"I-I'm not, start the music now."

The director pressed the button on the stereo and you quickly ran to the corner of the stage opposite of his.

You both entered gracefully and met in the middle, the music like fluid in your bodies, mending and moving them together. He lifted you.

Ugh, so embarrassing. I'm too heavy.

He spun you.

Ugh, so embarrassing. My hair.

You couldn't help but be afraid.

I guess he noticed it.

The distant glares and eyes that saw right past him instead of into him.

"Hey," he whispered. "What's wrong?"

"Hi." you answered back, eyes refusing to meet his own.

"You're doing great." He replied.

"It's not that."

"Then... what is it?"

"I don't feel great even if I do great."

The finale came up as you backed up and ran into his arms that lifted you up and carried you over his head, the stunt enticing the crowd as he set you down gently, dipping you.

This wasn't part of the plan.

"You're beautiful, _____"

He kissed you as the silent audience suddenly erupted into applause.

Neither was that.

You held hands, as you tried to regain breath, both of you blushing, not just because of the literally breath-taking choreography. 

"You taste like mint." He whispered into your ear.

You forgot to spit out the gum after all.

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