f o u r

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my mind races as I sit in my car, driving down the quiet highway, Though of Grace permeates my mind, causing everything else to blur. I shouldn't be thinking about her this much, I know. I know damn good that her uncle would kick my ass if I tried to make any kind of move on her, he made that perfectly clear the first time I came over and was dazed by her.

I slightly shake my head, trying to get her out of my head as I pull into my driveway and park. Damn I wish I had her.



I wake up to the light pitter patter of rain hitting the window and groan, turning over in my bed. light seeps through the curtains, causing me to bury my face further into my pillow.

"Grace! if you're going to take a shower before school, you need to get up now." Aunt clare shouts as I hear her footsteps down the hall, soon enough she appears in my door way, holding a basket full of my clothes.

"I'm up, I'm up.." I groan softly, forcing myself to get up, walking past clare as she places to basket of clothes on the floor. I walk into the bathroom and begin undressing, gasping softly as the cool air hits my bare skin.

The warm water soothes my tense skin, washing away all of my stress and anxiety for a while, after washing my hair and aimlessly standing for what only seems like a few minutes, the water begins running cold and I sigh, getting out of the shower.

after throwing on my awful school uniform, I walk into the kitchen where Aunt Clare is waiting for me. "Ready to go?" she asks in a sweet voice and I grab an apple, nodding at her. She works at the college I'm attending as an office worker, answering phones and such.

"I think I'm going to walk, it stopped raining and it feels pretty nice out now." I say as we walk towards the door, my backpack slung over my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" She asks, closing the front door behind her. I nod, glancing around. "I'll be fine, I'll text you when I get there."

"Okay, I love you." she says as she gets into her car, driving off.

I walk down the sidewalk, taking my time to admire the small birds scattered across tree branches and little flowers all over the patches of grass. Small drops of rain fall from the sky as I continue walking. The rain comes down harder and I groan, standing under a large tree, waiting for it to pass.

I wait for about five minutes and it doesn't seem to let up, I sigh, continuing to walk as my hair and clothes get soaked by the rain.

I jerk as a car honks, stopping by the sidewalk, "Need a ride?" a familiar voice says, and I look over, seeing harry sat in his car with his window down. I bite my lip and think for a second before reluctantly saying yes and getting into his car.

"I'm sorry.." I mutter as I notice how wet I'm getting the seat. He chuckles as he drives, glancing over at me for a second. "Don't worry about it, It's just a car." He says as he pulls up to the school.

"Do you want my sweatshirt? Your clothes are soaked." He says as he looks over at me. "I-I uhm.." he takes off his hoodie, causing his T-shirt to come up a bit. I stare for a moment, taking my bottom lip between my teeth before looking up at him. "Here, It'll be a bit big on you, but at least its not wet, yeah?" he says, handing it to me.

"T-Thanks you Harry.." I blush and slip his hoodie on over my shirt, tugging it down. "Thanks for everything.. that was really nice of you.." I blush harder as I get out of his car. He rolls the window down, looking up at me now. "It's no problem Grace.." he trails off, staring for a moment.

"Have a lovely day." He says before driving off and leaving me in front of the main building.

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