Check out my other book!

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I'm working on another story called "sheltered (h.s)", and I would really appreciate if you'd give it a chance! It's about a girl who suffers from multiple mental disorders and grew up in a very sheltered home. Her life changes when she finds out some secrets about herself and is pushed into a new lifestyle away from her family.


I've also got another story I'm worked on called "good girl•(lrh)". This story is about a girl who finds herself infatuated with her neighbor, though he's a bit older than her and her mother is very protective.


If you do read my other books, please let me know what you think about them!

I'm just recently getting back into writing, so I'm trying my best to get back into the flow of things.

Also! If you've got any fanfic recommendations, feel free to comment/message me. I'm always looking for more things to read. Reading others story's helps me remember how to word things and not be so repetitive. With that being said, I would never copy someone else's work.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you're staying safe and doing well!

-amethyst xo

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