t w e n t y - f i v e

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My birthday is tomorrow and I'm pretty excited to be honest. It seems Harry has something planned for me, and I'm happy to be a year older honestly.

I wonder if Harry has a big party planned, or just something for the two of us. I also wonder if he plans to invite any of my family, or even his.

I've been thinking about what my aunt and uncle think about me being with Harry. I'm curious to know if my aunt even told my uncle, honestly I think he wouldn't be too happy about it, but I'm an adult and they can't control me like they want to.

I wonder if they're disapproval would turn Harry away from me. It wouldn't though, right? He always says he loves me.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Harry enters the living room.

"So, about your birthday," he starts, clasping his hands together in front of himself, "I'm inviting Lou and Bella, as well as a few of my other friends. I didn't know if you wanted me to invite any of your family, so I thought I'd ask." He finishes, looking me in the eye, awaiting an answer.

I sigh, contemplating my options before I open my mouth.

"Maybe we should at least invite my aunt and uncle," I pause for a moment, taking a deep breath, "I mean, this is your house. If anything happens, you can ask them to leave." I shrug, signing as I run my fingers through my tangled chocolate hair.

"Alright, Baby. I suppose, you're right." He smiles, "I just want you to have a good birthday, no stress or anything." He says, sitting beside me for a moment.

He takes my dainty hand into his large one, bringing it to his lips and planting a sweet kiss on the back of my hand. I smile, my cheeks flushing red at the simple, yet sweet action.

I truly love this man, he's taught me what love is and cared for me the ways I've always desired. I don't think I could ever love anyone more than I love him. He's everything to me, and I don't ever seen that changing. I would give up everything to be with him if I had to.

"Hey, hunny?" Harry hums sweetly, a questioning tone in his voice.

"Mhm?" I reply softly.

"I love you, and nothing is ever going to change that." He says quietly, only loud enough for me to hear, leaning into me as he speaks.

"I love you." I whisper back, running my fingers through his curly hair. I softly massage his scalp, a moan emitting from his lips as I do so.

We lay on the couch for a few moments, in bliss by just each other's presence. After a few minutes, he engulfs me in a tight hug before leaving the couch.

"Let's go out for lunch." He smiles, pulling me from the couch by my hand.

"That sounds really fun! Can we get Chinese food?" I beam up at him, my feet now planted on the carpet.

He chuckles before nodding his head.

He walks over to the door, slipping his shoes on and grabbing the keys off of the key holder aside the door.

"C'mon, baby, you're being so slow!" He let's out another chuckle as he teases me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shout back, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on.

"Not yet, you aren't." He smirks at me, pushing my hair from my face before planting a blunt kiss on my lips.

I roll my eyes, giggling at his response.

We finally make it out to the car and I get in, buckling myself as he gets into the driver side.

"Hurry up! Now you're being slow." I whine playfully.

"Don't rush daddy." He teases, firmly grasping my thigh as he pulls out of the driveway.


Harry ended up taking me to a Chinese buffet and it was so good. Let me tell you, I ate so much food but I don't regret a thing. It was nice going on a small date like that, I know it was simple and not even planned, but I liked it either way.

"We're almost home." Harry says, glancing over at me, then quickly moving his eyes back to the road.

"I know!" I smile, looking out the window and watching as we pass a few buildings.

"Let's have some playtime when we get home, yeah?" He says, his voice sounding a bit raspier than normal.

I squirm in my seat, knowing exactly what he means. I frantically nod my head, too shy to look over at him.

"Good girl," Harry praises, his hand meeting my thigh again. I gasp softly at the action, I wasn't expecting it to be honest.

I look over at him quickly, scanning his face, but his eyes are glued to the road.

I feel his fingers move under my skirt, pressing against my panties. I whimper at the feeling, now craving his touch.

"Spread your legs for daddy." He states simple, eyes still glued to the road as he continues driving.

I submit to his command, spreading my legs apart. His fingers dip into my panties, feeling around area.  I squirm around, my body begging for him.

"Be still." He speaks, looking over at me for a moment.

I nod my head, attempting to steady myself. I finally get myself to calm down, and he slips one of his finger inside of me, causing me to let out a moan.

"Mm, good girl." He praises, pushing his finger deeper inside of me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, biting my lip. I attempt to hold on my moans but I'm not very successful, they just come out a small whimpers instead of moans.

He quickly pumps his finger inside of me, pushing another in. I moan loudly, tossing my head back on the leather seat.

"It feels so good, daddy." I gasp, the pleasure overcoming me.

"Open your eyes." He demands, stopping his movements.

I open my eyes, and it seems we've made our way home finally. I look over at him, his eyes clearly holding lust.

Harry unbuckles my seat belt, pulling me into his lap.

"Be a good girl, and ride daddy." He growls, unbuttoning his his jeans and pulling his shaft out.

I glance down, admiring his size before nodding. He lifts me up, placing me back down on his member and I let out a gasp, adjusting to his size.

His hands grip my hips roughly, moving me up and down on his shaft. Moans fall from my lips and groans fall from his.

I fall onto his chest, a moaning mess and he continues to thrust up into me. I'm a whimpering mess against him, and I like it that way.

His fingers run through my hair, pulling hit roughly. I moan, my head jerked back by his action.

"Oh, daddy!" I moan loudly, my mouth agape as his movements become sloppier and unsteady.

"Are you going to come for daddy? Be a good girl and come for daddy." He grunts, ramming into me roughly.

I gasp, the pleasure overcoming me as I release all over him. My juices covering his manhood. This causes him to groan loudly, his liquid squirting inside of me as he lets out a string of groans and swear words.

His head falls back onto the head rest and I peek up at him through my eyes lashes.

"I love you, daddy." I say, both of our breaths finally steadying.

"I love you too, princess." He sighs happily.

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