t w e n t y - e i g h t

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After crying into Harry's chest for what seemed like hours, he finally breaks the silence.

"What's gotten into you, baby?"

I take a deep breath, steady myself before I speak.

"I think I want to start therapy." The words come out of my mouth in a rushed manner, desperate to finally let them out.

"What?" He says quizzically, taken aback by my sudden bluntness.

"I uh.. I want to start therapy. I need to." I speak softly this time, returning back to my timid self.

"Okay." He speaks simply, not questioning me too much.

"Do you want to talk to me about anything? This seems to have come out of no where." His voice continues to soothe me.

"Where do I even start?" I say sheepishly, a few years escaping my eyes again.

After taking an hour to explain my past, I've finally told him everything, the stories of my mother, my abuse, my rushes transition to a new life style, I covered all the bases and seemed to let most of my walls down, spilling everything I could get out.

And he listened, he truly listened and took in everything I was saying. I appreciated that, it was scared he would just brush it off and tell me I was being silly, or that I needed to let go, but he didn't. He showed care and kindness to me.

"It felt nice to get that out. I've never really told anyone, of course my aunt and uncle know, but not anyone else really." I breathe out.

"Thank you for telling me. I'm glad you trust me enough to be vulnerable with me." He offers me a smile, and I return the gesture, sitting up straight on my bed.

"Let's get something nice for dinner?" Harry offers and I nod in acceptance.

"That would be nice." I smile, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Let's get to it then." He says playful, a chuckle leaving his lips.


After getting in the car and driving for a few minutes I become antsy, wondering where Harry was taking us.

"So what restaurant are we going to?" I finally question, breaking the comfortable silence.

"It's a surprise." A cheeky smile covers his lips as he answers.

I roll my eyes, letting out an annoyed groan. I'm not one for surprises.

"Hush, you'll be happy with my decision." He speaks playfully, patting my thigh.

Finally after about 20 minutes, we're part in front of one of my favorite restaurants.

The sign above the building reads 'Blue Moonlight.'

I smile, glad to be at a place I recognize.

"Let's go in doll, don't want them to give away our table." Harry says playfully, unbuckling my seatbelt after undoing his own.

We make our way up the walkway to the restaurant, a small bridge with fairy lights wrapped around the guard rails.

"Welcome to Blue Moonlight! How many?" The hostess speaks as we enter the building, her attention turned to Harry. I glare and push my way in front of him, making sure she could see me.

"Reservation for Styles." Harry says, not even looking at the hostess.

"Right this way, then." The hostess makes her way to a table and we follow behind her. After setting down our menus she steps back from the table.

"Your waitress will be with you momentarily." She speaks dryly, before heading back to her position.

Harry and I take our seats at the table and I let out a sigh of relief.

"What was her problem?" I roll my eyes, scoffing.

"Don't be like that Kitten, she's nothing compared to you. Nothing to worry about." Harry says, his voice holding amusement due to my jealousy.

After a few minutes of looking at the menu and having casual conversation with Harry, the waitress finally comes over and takes our order.

"Welcome to Blue Moonlight, My name is Rose and I'll be your waitress tonight.What can I get for you two?"

"I'll have the steak, medium rare with a baked potato, as well as a salad." Harry replies before glancing back at the menu, "and she'll have the grilled chicken and a side of mashed potatoes, and a salad as well." Harry finishes, giving me a warm smile.

What can I say? I'm basic and I like chicken.

Rose jots down our orders than disappears off into the kitchen.

I finally take a moment to look around and take in the scenery of my favorite restaurant. Fairy lights drape down from the ceiling and the walls are made of red bricks, which is very aesthetically pleasing. It's a pretty big place, maybe 50 tables in total. They're all spread out though, giving everyone a bit of space, which I enjoy. It's nice to be in public but not be directly near everyone.

As I glance around the restaurant, I recognize something, or shall I say someone.

"Shit, Harry!" I whisper, not wanting to draw attention to us.

He doesn't seem to hear me so I speak louder.

"Harry, that's my mom." I say, a bit louder this time.

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