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Stan: Kids!! You have a letter and it is blocking the view and I refuse to stand up!!

Mabel: I'll get that for ya Grunkle Stan!! Dipper! We have a letter!! Stop chewing your pen!!

Dipper:*pen breaks , ink all over his tongue* ahhhh...*clearing up the ink* What do we have today, Mabel? I don't want to see Bill again!

Bill:*appears in nowhere* Did someone look for meeeeeeee??

Mabel: You either wait or disappear, Bill! This time there is nothing about the dare is about you!

Bill: Awwww! What a loss! Anyways, I am here to laugh at you! Pine tree!!!

Dipper: What's the letter about,Mabel?

Mabel: She ask you the bake a cake!

Dipper: What??!? This should be meant for Mabel!!

Mabel: I can teach ya bro bro!

Dipper: Fine, tell me how.

------Music playing, Dipper is getting ingredients and Mabel is teaching like a teacher------

Mabel: Now that's how you bake a cake! Thank you Waddles!!!*says to Waddles, who is in a suit, pointing to a cake picture,eating the picture*

Dipper: I am Definitely going to Fail this one...

Bill: It's funny how dumb you are!!

Dipper: *starts mixing ingredients in the kitchen, going QUITE well*

Mabel: That's it !! Bro bro! Now to the shaping!! *punching to the air* Prove to Bill that he's wrong!!

Bill: Uh uh, shooting star. 1)I am Never wrong.2) If I am wrong... Be to 1)!!

Dipper: *waiting the cake to be finished baking * Now, according to my observation, I wasted 20g of flour, 15g of butter and lost 150g of cream...? *looks at Mabel, whose lips are covered in cream*

Mabel:*whispers* I am sorry Dipper...

------1 hour passed-------


Dipper: Hope it is eatable... *slowly takes it out, sees a good result * Ah!! I DID IT !! I DID IT!!!

Mabel: Now take it to the table bro bro!! Waddles is ready!!

Dipper: Okay!*taking the cake,forgets about his weak arms, trips over and the cake landed on him. Spat!* Well, I succeeded a little, right? *licks some cream, Face turns white*

Mabel: What's wrong? *licks some cream* UHHHH.... YOU MIXED THE SUGAR WITH SALT!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Waddles: *smells a little, runs away* Oink oink!!

------The next day-----

Mabel: What did you do with the cake, Dipper? You EAT it?

Dipper: Nope, I gave it to Bill.

-----Meanwhile, in nightmare realm-----

Bill: *tastes it* Pine TREEEEE!! I will remember THIS!!!!!!

Truth or dare book Gravity FallsWhere stories live. Discover now