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Me:Since no one is sending me dare letters recently, i made a dare myself. But first, let me introduce co-hosts, Mao (Savvymoore097) and Avory (Referance to my character in "The Demon's Daughter!?" book), occassionally will join the story. Let's start!

Mabel: Hey, Avory! Whatcha holding?

Avory: Umm, a dare letter for you guys.

Bill: *goes up stairs* Oh my gosh, it is more difficult to surprise you guys! Also, why is my body so limpy?

Mao: Because of your body's physical limits! Hi everybody!! This is Mao, and Bill, you need rest. I've got a PERFECT place!! *fake smile*

Bill: *senses the danger* Oh Hell NO.

Mao: Too late!! *pulls Bill out of the attic, by his FEET*

Bill: OW ow ow ow!! Pine tree!! Shooting star!! Help me!!! Pain is NOT hailarious now!!

Dipper: You need to be responsible to your body.

Avory: Mao, please stop. Or i am going to take you out of the story. *blue flame appears on her hands*

Mao: *scared, lets go of bill and ran down stairs* Not next time!

Bill: Thanks Sappy.*Sits down at bean bag*

Mabel: What's the dare?

Avory: Bill, you might not want to hear this... but you need to stay with Mao for the rest of your "life" or answer a simple question, which one?

Bill: Simple question!!

Mao:*goes up stairs hugging Bill* I will always be with you!!!

Bill: *whispers* Help. Me. Pine. Tree.

Avory: An easy question, "Why you wanted a body so badly?"

Bill: Well, mostly because pain is hilarious (But i regretted saying that now) and with a physical body, i can prank people and rule the universe and eat and drink like a person and i can WALK!! With my feet!!

Avory: Well, we finished the dare.

Mabel: *takes picture of Bill and Mao* Scrap book opptunity!!

------Pictures flashed through------

(Bill forced to eat spagetti with Mao, Bill and Mao walking together, a photo booth photo (Smiling Mao and Bill looking away and a frame says "A Pair!!"))

Truth or dare book Gravity FallsWhere stories live. Discover now