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Stan:*finds letter and reads it* This is getting weird.

Mabel: Grunkle Stan you found the letter! Dipper!!! I Found It!!! *runs upstairs*

Dipper: That's great! I was starting to worry!

Mao: Yoo hoo!! Another great dare! Right Billy?

Bill: That depends... *hugged by Mao...again*

Mabel: Dipper, if you please. *pretends to be formal*

Dipper: Bill Cipher, thou hast to kiss thy pig Waddles before thou run on the sideway yelling that thou is bananas in pyjamas. Thou understand?

Bill: Excuse me? All that 'formal' stuff is nuts.

Dipper: *sighs* Kiss Waddles and yell "I am Banana in Pyjamas" in the public.

Mao: Dip and Mab were trying to make things fun! Use that big brain of yours!

Bill: Why don't you just say so?

Mabel:Cuz Waddles is born ready! *puts lipstick on it*

Dipper: Wait, now?

Bill: Not now when?

Mao, April and Mabel: *chanting* Kiss the pig!! Kiss the pig!! Kiss the pig!!

Bill: Here goes nothing...*kisses waddles on the cheek*

Mabel:YAY!! *takes pictures*

Bill: Ok, now what?

Mao: Banana in Pyjamas!!!

[I added a little funny pic

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[I added a little funny pic. ENJOY!]

Bill: Why am I supposed to do all this public humiliation stuff while you meat sacks just sit down and eat peanuts!!

Mao: Bill!? I'm allergic to PEANUTS!

Bill: How am I supposed to know that!?

--Awkward silence--

Dipper: Should we just roll with the dare?

Bill: You're right pine tree. *goes out* *far away* I'M A BANANA IN PYJAMAS! PYJAMAS ON A BANANA!!

Unnamed townsfolk: Do you know I'm trying to sleep!?

Bill: WhosleepsbeforeeightpmisafreakandIamrunningoffbeforeyoucanprocessmyentiresentencebyeeeee

Mabel:*gratefully* Hefinallyunderstandsmyformofspeechart..* tear runs down chin*

Bill:*chased by a group of people* uggghwhyaretheresomanyfreakswhoreallysleepsbeforeeightandcanprocessmysentencebutthinksIamtherealfreakheyImjustdoingadare!!

Mao: Don't let them get you!! RUN!!!

Bill: *runs back into the shack* WHO THE HECK MADE ME DO THIS

Dipper: Who knows.

Mabel: Bill LOOK! A second part!

Bill: Not again!

Mabel: Kiss....*muffling*

Avory: *covers her mouth* Stop licking my hand, mabel.

Bill: *reads second part* Holy Nachos! Kissing again!? Why me!!!

Mao: Cuz you're the charming-est! Who's the lucky one?

Mabel: Human GIFfany!!!

Soos: Wasn't she deleted?

Mao: Reprogramming!!!

Dipper: Me again... *turns on laptop*

April: Can I help? *sits next to Dipper*

Mabel:*giggling* Look...*points to the last line ,"i dare April and Dipper to go on a date."*

Mao, Avory: Ooh.

-----Time Skip-----

Dipper: We did it! The return of GIFfany! *shows laptop*

Mabel: No offence bro, it says HUMAN GIFfany.

April: Here. * shows a 3D printer, with human GIFfany lying on it*

Soos: Dudes, this is a bad idea... *ran away*

GIFfany: Hi. I am GIFfany, a student of magic bloom academy-

Bill: Let's do this quick. *kisses her in the cheek.* *destroys laptop, deleting her, again.*

Dipper: Noooo! My work!!!

April: It's ok. Wanna get a cup of ice cream and chill? *slight blush*

Dipper: Yea. Want to fetch some ice cream Mabel?

Mabel: No thanks, I have something else to do. *evil grin*

April: Should we go now? *blush*

Dipper:*blush* Of course! *walks with April*

Mabel :*secretly follows them and takes pictures of them eating ice cream* He'll thank me later.

Truth or dare book Gravity FallsWhere stories live. Discover now