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Mabel: Guys!! We have another dare!!

Dipper: What is it? 

Mabel: We are going to have a thanksgiving feast!! Today!!! *shaking Dipper*

Dipper: Calm.... Down.... Mabel....

Mao: Have you guys seen Bill? I didn't see he recently.

Dipper: He... is....on... the....rooftop....

Mao: Really!? Thanks! Oh, and, Mabel, Dipper is going to faint!! *Goes up to rooftop*

Mabel: uh... Sorry Dipper *puts him down*

Bill: *far away* Someone help me!!

Mabel: Aww... They are so cute!!

Dipper: *goes down stairs* Grunkle Stan!! Today is Thanksgiving and should we have a feast?

Stan: Yah, and I should give up making money from tourists and close the shop for ONE WHOLE DAY, RIGHT? *looks serious* Just joking, i love the Turkey!! hahaha! *laughs*

Dipper: So... are we doing this? 

Stan: Of COURSE!!

Mabel: We can have it tonight!! YAY!!! 

Mao: Bill and me are coming too!! *hugs Bill*

Bill: Ugh... I give up.

-----Time Skip-----

(Feast is ready)

Stan: So... We give thanks to... MONEY!! LETS EAT!! 

All: *eating the feast* Yum!!

--------When everyone finished the  meal-----

Mabel: *looks at her big stomach* I think i have had too much... *falls asleep*

Dipper: *sleeping* ZZZ...

Bill: I can stand it....*falls asleep*

Mao: I'll sleep with you... *hugs Bill and sleeps*

(Everyone is sleeping, except Avory, who went to the arcade)

Avory: *came back* What did i miss? A feast? I had it last week...

Truth or dare book Gravity FallsWhere stories live. Discover now