Her Fallen Knight

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Roman's P.O.V

I woke up to the rays of the sun blasting in my face. I groaned as I sat up and looked around. "Hey Roman." Seth said lightly punching my arm. I laughed lightly and sat up completely. "May I use your bathroom, huh, Powerhouse?" Seth asked as he looked around. "Sure. Upstairs, last door on the left." "Thanks." Seth said walking upstairs and pass my bedroom door. But Seth stopped in front of my bedroom door and looked inside.

Seth's P.O.V

My eyes just couldn't look away from the sight that lied in Roman's bedroom. It was my sister sleeping in Roman's bed with his shirt on. I instantly ran downstairs, trying not to fall. "Roman!" I called his name. "What? Do you need help finding the bathroom? Oh my god, Seth, those directions were as clear as they get." Roman said standing up. "Not the problem! This is the problem! What is my sister doing in your bed in your shirt!?" I practically yelled at him. His stare became an intimidating glare that only he could muster on his face. "I didn't do anything to her. I found her outside the stadium, brought her here, cleaned her injury, and gave her my shirt to wear. I only let her stay the night!" Roman said about to walk off into the kitchen. I pulled on his hair and he cringed as his head tilted backwards. "As if I'm gonna believe that BULLSHIT! Tell me the truth, asshole!!" I said wrapping his hair in my hand and pulling harder. "I AM TELLING THE TRUTH, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! LET THE FUCK GO!" Roman yelled obviously furious at the fact I was pulling on his Somoan locks. I let go and he turned around and snarled at me. "You better have a good reason for hair pulling, Seth." "My sister is in your bed! What did you do to her!? How did you even find her!?!??!"  I asked. "She was outside the WWE Stadium abandoned in the rain! It's not my fault a self-centered low-life brother didn't give her a ticket to get inside!!!" "I-" "NO!" He cut me off. His index finger poked against my chest with each and every word. "What kind of self-conceded brother are you!?! Leaving your sister outside in the rain, with no umbrella, no ticket, and leave her to get hurt by some random perverts!!!! I'm the asshole?!? And you say I'm the asshole?!? You left your sister out on the curb and where were you?! Oh right, inside, too busy being Triple H's LAPDOG TO EVEN NOTICE YOUR OWN SISTER!!" Roman was just fuming with anger and he obviously wasn't gonna let me say a word back. "Roman....?" A feminine voice came from the staircase. Both I and Roman looked up at the stairs.

Roman's P.O.V

"Kristina, you're awake....does your knee feel better?" I asked as I climbed up the stairs. I don't really know why I asked. It must've been painful still, she was practically clawing at the hand rail. "A-A little. Just a little." She said struggling to get down the rest of the stairs. I went up to her, picked her up, and set her on the couch. Seth instantly pushed me aside and hugged his sister. "You're ok. Did Roman do anything explicit to you!?" "Wh-What?! No! H-He didn't!" She said quite shocked. "Did he make you say this!? He made you!! Didn't he?!" Seth was practically glaring at me from the corner of his eye. "WHAT!? WHY YOU COWARDLY BITCH!!" I was ready to snap my old SHIELD partner in half. "I ALLOWED HER TO COME IN MY HOUSE, I WAS NICE TO HER, I CARED FOR HER, AND YOU'RE SAYING I MADE HER SAY THINGS THAT AREN'T TRUE!?! THAT'S IT! MEET ME ON MONDAY NIGHT RAW TONIGHT! WE ARE GONNA FIGHT! WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! SO TAKE YOUR ASS, AND SHOVE IT OUT MY HOUSE, BITCH!" It was over. Seth glared at me and then scoffed. He left, slamming the door behind him. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "I'm really sorry you had to hear that. And see it....." I looked down a little, ashamed that I did that in front of his his sister, more to the point, in front of a girl. "N-No. It's ok! Seth can get a little....hot-headed...." She said smiling a little bit. I nodded and walked into the kitchen. "What would you like for breakfast?" I said opening the fridge and bending down to search for any kind of fruit. "Um.....a yogurt would be fine." "What flavor? Strawberry, blackberry, banana, kiwi strawberry, and orange icicle." "Blackberry please..." She said looking down at her feet. "You ok?" I said walking out the kitchen and handing her a spoon and a glass of yogurt with fresh blackberries inside. "Fa'afetai.." She said to me. "You speak Somoan?" I said sitting next to her and began to peel the orange I found in the fridge. "It was a language I took...and my childhood friend was part Somoan." She smiled and I laughed. "Well, I'm gonna give you a ticket to get in today. So you can see me kick your brother's ass." She laughed and nodded.

Later That Night...

"Are you sure you'll be ok? My brother becomes....hostile...when people mess with me..." She asked looking at me with worry in her eyes. "Hey, it's ok. I'll be fine. And if I'm not, you'll be here to help me out. Right?" He tilted his head slightly and smiled. "Right. Do good out there. I believe in you....." She said smiling back at me. I fist bumped her and breathed in. As my theme began to play, I breathed out walked downstairs and she was carried to the front right by the announce table. As my music stopped, Seth's music began and he walked out and straight into the ring. The bell dinged and I was already putting Seth on his back. But the table's turned. He drop kicked me in my chest, making me fall. I panted and rolled on my side. He then did a strong and painful Curb Stomp. "Don't mess with my sister ever again, Roman! Do you hear me?!?" He was obviously yelling at me. I felt weight push against my stomach and chest. Seth was stepping on me and, dear god, did it hurt. "Agggh!!" I groaned and once he was off I began to cough. Everything was starting to turn blurry because of Seth putting pressure against my lungs making it hard to breathe. Then I felt instant pain in my lungs and blacked out. The only sound I heard was the dinging of the bell and the screaming of a girl.

Seth's P.O.V

I smirked at Roman who was now passed out. But my sister wasn't too happy. "Roman!" She repeatedly shouted his name and tears were streaming down her face. I looked back at Roman. I now see why she was crying. Roman wasn't breathing at all. The closest I saw was light chest movement. The referee called me out and called 911 for an ambulance. Once the ambulance came and put Roman on a stretcher, my sister went in the ambulance and sat next to him. She looked at me with watery, red eyes and a hurt look on her face. The ambulance doors closed and left me outside. Alone.

Roman's P.O.V

Black was all I could see and I felt like a monster truck just drove over my lungs. Seth wasn't heavy but I the pressure alone just hurt. "Roman, please stay with me! Ok?! Roman!" I heard a voice say but it was muffled. 'Kristina....? Kristina....!' I thought. 'I don't know where I am but if she is ok then I am ok....wait....did I....' I couldn't bear to repeat the words in my head. But then all my thinking stopped as I heard sniffling over the sirens and felt a tear fall on my sleeved arm. Kristina was crying over me. I sighed in my head and mentally cursed at myself. I was the one making her go through so much pain, just because of my selfish doings. I felt the stretcher I was on move over a soft surface and then I felt my body be placed in something soft. 'A hospital bed.....' I thought as I heard the light dragging of a chair and a light plop. Kristina must've moved a chair to sit next to me so she wouldn't hurt her knee. "Roman.....I'm so sorry...." She said with sobs and hics in between. Her tears fell on my left cheek and ran down to the bed sheets. My eyes fluttered open and I blinked until my vision focused. I turned my head to see her and looked at her face. I brought my right hand to her face and wiped her tears from her eyes. Her closed eyes soon opened and her frown became a happy smile. "You're ok! You're really ok! The doctor said you have a slight concussion and one of your lungs are a little crippled but she says you should be o-" She stopped speaking as both my arms wrapped around her waist and I rested my head on her shoulder. I resisted the urge to cry even though I really wanted to. "I'm sorry for everything I put you through....." I said lightly as I lifted my head from her shoulder. I tilted her head down and she blinked. "Put me through w-" Her eyes widened as my lips connected with her's. But they closed and she hesitantly kissed back.

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