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Roman's P.O.V

Kristina, once out of her daze pulled away from me and blushed like a red rose during the spring. "Wh-Why did you-" She was gonna panic and I knew it. "To apologize. For all I've made you go through. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with that." I said to her. "Ayyye', Roman, my brotha'!" A familiar voice came from the door. I looked to see Dean and Seth with a scowl on his face. "How ya' feeling, hm, pal?" Dean laughed and walked over. "Better." I said not taking my eyes off of Kristina. Seth grabbed his sister's arm and glared at me. "How dare you kiss my sister!? The hell is wrong with you!?!" He asked. "What the hell are you doing here? I should've had the nurse remove you." I said rolling my eyes. Seth clicked his tongue at me and walked out with his sister. " Seth seems pretty upset at you. I thought you guys were cool when you weren't on WWE." Dean said placing a get well basket by my bed. "We were....." I said turning to face the wall.

A Week Later...

I had been hospitalized for a week now. My mind was out of wack and I kept feeling like the walls around me were spinning. "Mr. Reigns, sir? I'm here to check on you. Are you ok?" A nurse must've come to check on me. "Yes...I'm-" My words were put to a halt as I looked at the nurse. "You're what?" She asked. But the nurse...was Kristina. "Kristina....?" I said softly as I looked at her. "Yes, it's Nurse Kristina. Are you ok? I'm just here to check on you. I'm so sorry if I woke you." She said smiling. I rubbed my eyes and my vision returned to normal. "I'll leave you alone now. You seem restless. Goodnight, Roman." She said walking out. I blinked and looked at the window. I stood and put my jacket on. I took the stairs and walked outside while pulling out my phone. "It's only 8:37.....I can go to Walgreens.....I'll get prescribed medicine for my stupid hallucinations.....what is wrong with me...? And now I'm talking to myself......" I sighed as I tied my hair into a bun, put my hood on, and continued to walk on the now blurry sidewalk. "Agh...." I groaned and closed my eyes. I walked inside the drug store and walked down the aisles to the pharmacy counter for prescription medication. Not looking up or forward, I continued walking while looking down at my feet. I then bumped into someone which made me stumble back a bit and made the person fall with a thud. I shook my head and blinked. "I'm so sorry...are you ok?" I said bending down slightly and placing a hand out towards the person. My eyes widen as I looked down. The girl laughed and shook her head. "No, I'm a clutz! Sorry!" She said taking my hand. 'Kristina..?' A memory of when Kristina and I first met flashed into my eyes. I hugged her and she yelped quietly. "S-Sir?" She said trying to keep her blush down. I blinked looked at her. She was a young worker with greenish amber eyes and hazel colored hair. I quickly let her go and rubbed my eyes. "I'm sorry....I mistaked you for someone guys look alike..." I said rubbing the back of my head and apologizing. "No, it's ok! The pharmacy is just a little farther back in the store. My brother should back there, he could help you!" "Thank you. Once again, very sorry." I picked up the basket she dropped and handed it to her. I walked to the back of the store and to the pharmacy counter. "Hello, sir. How may I help you?" "Randy?" I questioned as I walked up to the counter. "Roman? What are you doing here? You don't look well." He commented as he lifted the small countertop to let me behind it. "I know....." I sighed in between. "Some messed up shit has happened to me over the pass couple of days. I can't keep my thoughts straight. I don't know what's wrong with me." I looked at the wall and lowered my head. "Sounds like hell. So, you met my sister, Faith. She seems to like you. Anyway, how are things going with Seth's sister, hm?" Randy asked as he began to make a cup of coffee. "Wait, you know about that?! How?!" I was beginning to panic. I don't know why but I was. "Seth is kinda spreading the word. He's not happy with it. Kristi isn't holding up to well. I call her Kristi. She came here earlier for medicine and then head back home. Seth really is protective but I think her health is becoming worse because of it." He explained as he placed a lid on the coffee and slid it to me. "She's 27. You're 30. It's not a large age gap. So tell me Roman, why so fascinated?" Randy asked sitting on the countertop. "About?" I asked sipping from the cup. "Kristina. Duh. What about her interest you?" Randy asked as he stretched and looked at me. "Well...she's sweet, kind, calm, generous, and shy. It's kinda cute. Plus, she's beautiful and pure hearted and innocent. Like a white rose that just bloomed with blossoms of spring." I said smiling lightly. "Innocent? Not for long, she's not." Randy laughed and smirked at me. My eyes widened and I glared slightly at him. "I will Spear you here and now. Shut the fuck up. I'm not gonna touch her...." I said covering my face and sighing. "You say that now~." Randy began to tease. "Those Somoan hands of yours will wander." He laughed as he hopped over the counter. "I am not a perv. Shut the fuck up, Randy. You can't talk. I've seen you letting your hands drift all over Jimmy's sister, Jewel." I said hopping over the countertop. "That's different. Here. These are your prescribed pills from your doctor." Randy said handing me a bag of pills and patting me on the back. "Now go back to the hospital and rest." He said practically pushing me out of the Walgreens. "Alright, alright. Tell your sister I said bye." I said walking out of the store. While walking across the street my mind was full of thoughts I didn't have the answer to. Finally, I heard a horn, felt a impact, and then felt completely broken as everything went black and silent.

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