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Seth's P.O.V

"Kristina?" I walked around the house searching for my sister. I walked into her room and she was on the floor in a corner shaking and crying. "Kristina! What's wrong!?" I instantly ran over and bent down to see her face. "I miss Roman....he's been hospitalized for a week......he might not be ok...." She said looking up at me. Her red and blue eyes, nothing like mine, were half-closed. "Did you get any sleep, Kristina?" I asked. She shook her head and looked down. "Sorry. I know you want me to get 8 hours of sleep..." She said as she looked into my eyes. "It's ok. Roman will be fine. Kay'?" She nodded slowly and I picked her up and placed her in bed. I turned on the TV in her room and my hand froze. "Here on Coastal Avenue, there was a accident. Professional wrestler, Roman Reigns, has been hit with a Nissan Altima. Rushed to the hospital, the doctor has said Mr. Reigns has gained several injuries and a crucial concussion. His left knee is broken and he is currently having surgery for his knee." The lady on the news said. "Just moments before surgery, he said these words out to two people." A man said as a video appeared. "This is going out to a very special girl.....I am so sorry....for causing you trouble, for hurting your brother, and for hurting you. I want you to know that if I come out alive or dead, I don't want anything to happen to you. I want you to stay strong..." Roman smiled slightly and the video faded. Kristina stood up and ran out the house. "Kristina! Wait! It's not safe to go out this late all alone! Kristina!" I yelled chasing after her in the darkness of the night. Somehow, she continued to run in heels across the street and all the way to the hospital. She ran inside and slid to the counter. "What room is Reigns?!?" She was positively tired as she struggled to keep herself up. "Room 26, Floor 12." The counter lady said smiling. Kristina dashed up the flights of stairs until she reached floor 12. "Kristina!" This girl was more fit than I was somehow and practically flying. She opened the door to room 26 and stood at the walkway. I looked inside to see Roman on crutches, standing at the window. "Roman!" Kristina said lightly hugging him from behind. "Kristina? Is it really you?" He asked not taking his eyes off the window. "It's really me..." She said as her eyes watered. She let go and he walked over to the hospital bed and sat down. He patted the spot next to him for her to sit. She sat next to him and looked at him. He looked down and sighed. "I have not been well....I've been delusional without you....." He said. "Really...? Roman..." She said looking at him. He looked up and at her. He placed a hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes. He sighed and removed his hand from her cheek. "Randy was right....I can't keep my hands off you...even if it's just your face...." He said smiling sadly and looking down. "Seth....can you give us a minute...?" My sister looked at me with her hope-filled eyes. "Of course." I said leaving by standing by the door.

Roman's P.O.V

The awkward silence that raged through the room was broken when Kristina soon opened her mouth. "....why'd you kiss me?" "That's a touchy subject. I told you it was my way of apologizing. That's a-" "That's a lie. Isn't it?" She cut me off. "Why would you think that?" I asked. "Because you think I'm wouldn't do all of this just because. Is it because I'm Seth's sister? Is that why? Am I just....a pawn on the chess board you have?" She asked as she looked down. " of course not...." I said. She pulled out a blade about the size of a dagger. "I thought about using were delusional without me.....but....I was insane without you....I couldn't take it....I thought.....I thought you were dead....." She said looking at the ceiling. She laughed lightly. "I should've gone to an asylum....I was crazy.....I am crazy....." She said looking at me. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she leaned on my shoulder. I placed my arm around her and placed my head ontop of her's. "Crazy, insane, stupid. Whatever you wanna call it. I was just like you...." I said rubbing her arm. I let go and laid down on the hospital bed. She walked around and laid next to me. "I don't wanna be a pawn in your game." She said to me as she closed her eyes. I placed her head against my chest and closed my eyes. "You never were."

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