Shichi ~ At least we're friends

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7- At least we're friends

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I couldn't even look Kiba in the eye without my whole body shaking. It was obvious, too. The only difference from the last time I met face-to-face with his depressed side was... well, he didn't even look like he was crying. It was like he was sad for so long that he learned how to control himself from letting any tears fall from his eyes. But I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was indeed upset.

It was hard to meet his gaze without immediately panicking. I quickly bowed my head down to look at the floor, letting my long hair fall down to cover my face. I didn't know if I should be the one to say something first as I am obviously in a small panic attack and couldn't speak without stuttering. It was a lot harder for me to try talking to him.

"You're here?" Kiba muttered. "Shouldn't you be at the lunchroom with that Uchiha lover of yours right now? Hm?"

I lifted my head up, finally looking at him. It wasn't from sorrow, but from shock. 'I can't believe he said that! What happened to the Kiba I knew? Why is he being as insensitive as Sasuke?'

He reacted immediately to his own statement the same way I reacted to it. It was as if he read my thoughts. Kiba blinked numerous times as he began frantically looking at random objects to avoid my gaze. "I-I'm sorry. That didn't come out right."

Somehow, I was angry at him, but I didn't even know why I was mad at him. Was it because of how rude his question seemed? Oh well... I have no reason to be mad. He's still in his heartbroken state. Of course he'd spit that question out at me.

"No, it's okay," I meekly replied back. "I understand."

"Well, yeah... I know you're with Sasuke now."

I nodded. I crossed my arms and looked down upon them, leaving my hair to fall and cover my face once again. "And I know you're pretty upset about the whole thing."

He shrugs. "Eh," Kiba nervously laughs as he scratches the back of his neck with his left hand. "Yeah, but..."

I rose my eyebrows and looked at him with wonder. "But what?"

"Well... at least we're friends. That's all that matters, right?"

I felt my heart drop. Somehow, I thought it was because I was hurt that he gave up on me a bit too easily, but I realized that it was because of how he answered back to me. It was like he said that to hide his sadness. But... he did have a point. At least we weren't at the point where we were avoiding each other completely.

I heaved out a long sigh. "Y-Yeah."

Kiba smiles at me as he takes a few steps forward, making him step out of the bathroom. "I hope duck-ass treats you well."

I stifled out a small laugh. "Still on with the nicknames, huh?"

"I didn't promise you that I'd respect him." He smirked.

I playfully glared at him. I resisted the urge to give him a small push. "Kiba."

He nods. "Right. Sorry."

Out of nowhere, I walked up to Kiba, opening my arms during the process. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into an embrace. Something kept telling me to do this, and damn... it just felt so right. I knew he was hesitating on whether he should hug back or not. By the way he suddenly tensed up, I could tell that the hug caught him off-guard.

I waited and waited for a movement. After about seven seconds, he finally sucked it up and wrapped his arms around me. I immediately felt warmth in the pit of my stomach, but something else crossed my mind. Someone might have been watching us. A certain someone.

A faint cough and a hand on my shoulder was enough for me to suddenly feel as if my heart was pounding on my ribs, yearning to burst out. I expected it to be a teacher--specifically Kakashi. But I knew in an instant that it wasn't when the hand yanked me out of Kiba's arms and forced me to take a few steps back.

It was Sasuke.

"I thought you said you were only going to talk to him." He growled into my ear.

I was literally too stunned to speak. I gulped, tilting my head down slightly. Man, I should have pulled away sooner. Now he probably thinks I'm cheating on him!

Sasuke remained having a blank expression on his face as he looks up at the dog lover, who clearly was as shocked as I was about the situation. He nods once at Kiba. "A friendly gesture, I would hope."

Kiba shuts his eyes and nods, lips pursed together. "Of course it was. You are dating Sayuri, aren't you? Why would I flirt with her?"

I couldn't believe it. It was as if Kiba was a slave to Sasuke, and Sasuke would punish him if he ever tried to do any funny business. It would be a lot tougher for me to avoid Kiba. I mean, even though we've had troubles about feelings, he was still a close friend of mine. But at the same time, I wanted to prove to Sasuke that I wouldn't go off to any other guy because he's practically keeping a good distance from Karin for the sake of us.

I looked up at Sasuke from the corners of my eyes. I saw that he had that signature smirk on his face, as usual. "That's what I thought you'd say."

Kiba shook his head. "I'll be heading back to the cafeteria if you need me..."

Well sh*t. He's even chased Kiba away with his seemingly harsh words. I turn my head as I watch Kiba walk down the hallway and make a left turn. He was already out of sight, and to Sasuke, probably out of mind.

"What was that about, Sayuri?" Sasuke demanded.

I turned to face him. I gave him a stunned expression. "What? You heard him. It was just a friendly hug!"

"Don't play dumb with me. I saw you hug him first," I sighed in defeat. Yeah, I'm screwed now. I turned myself so that my back was now facing him. I took a couple steps away from him. I could just feel his icy stare on me as I hear him walk toward me. "So?"

I rolled my eyes and stifled out a small laugh. "Aww, come on. I was just comforting him."

"Aren't words enough?"

"I panicked, alright?" I retort.

And with that, he scoffed. Before I could even react, he places his hand on my shoulder once again. He turns me over to face him. I let out a barely audible squeak as he pushes me back against the wall. "You were being a little too friendly with Kiba earlier, you know?"

"I get it," I say with irritation.

Sasuke places his forehead on mine. He shuts his eyes as he finishes his demands off. "But Sayuri, you're mine and only mine. Remember that next time."

I shouldn't be surprised that he gave me yet another kiss on the lips that turned out to be a full-blown makeout session. Yet I still find myself widening my eyes every time he does so. I should know that he was my lover and that I should expect these things. Oh well.

It turned out to be just like last time when we were outside of my house. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and at some point, his lips trailed down to my neck and he began continuing from there. Except that no one was there to interrupt us, unless a teacher happens to walk by. I buried my face into his shoulder as he left more sloppy kisses on my neck. I had this feeling that he wanted to do much more than this, but obviously he wouldn't get past the kissing phase. We're in school, for crying out loud.

As the bell rung, he finally pulls away from me and mumbles some profanity before he takes my hand. We began walking down the hallway to get to Kakashi-sensei's class early. As we were on our way to the classroom, a thought crossed my mind. 'I guess giving Sasuke a long kiss would easily make him forgive me for doing wrong.'

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