Jyuu-Shi ~ Karin's cleverity

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14- Karin's cleverity

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"Alright. Let's just get this over with," I stared at Karin with a blank expression. I tried my best to handle the situation maturely. I kept myself from blowing up on her, but on the inside, I was brutally murdering her. I gave her a slight glare as I rose my eyebrows. "Make it quick."

Though I tried to keep my anger in a certain level, her amused expression made it nearly impossible. Her taunting smirk didn't help either. I gritted my teeth, and before I knew it, my glare on her suddenly went intense. Ino noticed what I did. She placed both her hands on my shoulders and gripped them tightly. I take a deep breath in an attempt to cool down.

Karin finally spoke, but not without laughing first. "So... I talked to Sasuke today."

"You talk to him everyday, idiot," Ino blurted out. Her face showed no emotion, but her eyes told me everything. Ino was just as angry as I was.

Karin scoffs and rolled her eyes. She smirked at us as she continued. "Today at lunch, while we were talking, YOU suddenly popped up into the conversation," Karin sighed in annoyance, shaking her head in disappointment. "So you and Sasuke haven't broken up yet?"

I clenched my fists. "Listen. You need to accept the fact that Sasuke and I are together. You need to quit your meddling before things get really ugly."

Once again, she taunts me by making her little smirk wider. "Like I said before, it's my life. No one decides what I can or cannot do. And also, I have this little motto that I follow. If you want to achieve something, you don't give up until it's in your hands," She crosses her arms and tilts her head to the side. "You know what that means, Nakahara? I won't give up until Sasuke is mine and only mine."

I shook my head. Through my clenched teeth, I retort back to her. "He MAY have his attention on you right now, but you better believe me when I say that Sasuke truly loves me and that it's pretty pointless for you to keep on flirting with him. Because, honey, you're pretty f*cking annoying."

"Oh, Sasuke LOVES you," Her tone of voice was dripping with sarcasm, making me raise my right eyebrow once again. She purses her lips and breaks her gaze on me. She looks down onto the ground as she shook her head. "Then can you explain why he's been very touchy with me lately? Looks like your boyfriend isn't as faithful as you thought he was..."

That's when I finally lost it. I dropped my arms to my sides and take a step closer to her. I looked at her with so much hate. I clenched my fists tightly, yet I tried to keep myself from assaulting her at the same time. "What was that?!" I yell through my gritted teeth sarcastically.

Karin shook her head as she rolled her eyes. "Looks like someone's upset about the truth."

I huffed. "No. Go ahead. Say that again!"

Ino pushes me back gently with her right arm and takes a step forward. She stares at Karin with anger as she raises her eyebrows. "Look, we don't want any trouble. If that's what you came here for-- get off of your damn cellphone and look at me!"

It looked as if she was texting someone. 'Wow, at a time like this?' I sighed as I noticed her putting her cellphone into her back pocket. She lifts her head up to look at Ino, seemingly uninterested in what she had to say.

Ino shook her head. "If you only called us here to cause trouble, we don't want to get involved. I'm not doing this for mine and Sayuri's reputation in Konoha High, but for yours as well. And I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

And I thought that I would be the one to handle things maturely, but I guess Ino beat me to it. It was as if we switched roles; a few weeks ago, Ino was bad-mouthing Karin for being such a flirt and I would always be the one to try to calm her down. Well, I guess it was because I didn't believe that Sasuke was going to give in to Karin so easily. I was wrong.

"Tell that to your bimbo friend over here," I suddenly snapped out of my trance as I hear Karin retort back to Ino. She looked like she couldn't care less about what was coming to her. "She's the one that's overreacting."

"I'm not," I stated sternly. "I'm just fighting for my relationship with Sasuke. I've tried to stay calm the moment you came in and spoke to us, but your bitchy attitude and the fact that you attempted to steal my boyfriend is making it hard for me to keep my cool."

As I finished my statement, I was soon met by a palm on my cheek. I gaped my mouth open as my head was forcefully turned to the right. 'Karin just slapped me!' I realized how strong she was; my cheek was already stinging and I was pretty sure that the spot was red. I pursed my lips together as I turned my head to face Karin once again.

"Wow!" Ino shouted. "And you're saying that she's the one who's overreacting!"

I looked around the café and realized that every single customer's eyes were on us. Some were teenagers that were ripping out their cellphones from their pockets/bags, thinking that a fight was about to commence between Karin and I. I sighed in frustration, knowing that we were now the center of attention.

I chuckled and gave Karin a taunting smile. "Do you really think that slapping me in the face would solve all of your problems with me? Hun, you just lost. You just can't admit that what I said about you is true."

She rose her left eyebrow at me and smirked. "Well, I guess it's true. Except for the second one. Alright, it was an attempt. A successful one at that," I glared at her. I had these urges to punch her right here and right now. She noticed my expression and her smirk extends slightly. "Successful... because I kissed him."

I froze. I widened my eyes and held my breath in. I felt myself tense up as I felt anger surging through me, as well as heartbreak. Karin Uzumaki, you've crossed the line this time.

"And you want to know what Sasuke did?" She taunted. "He. Kissed. Me. Back."

At that statement, I was no longer in control of myself anymore. Anger and pain had struck my heart. I couldn't control my anger anymore. She looks out of the entrance to the café and back at me. I intensified my glare on her as I rose my right hand to strike her in the cheek with my palm. She didn't look scared at all; it was as if she was asking me to slap her. I didn't care. Karin had really struck a nerve this time.

"That's it." I muttered under my breath through my gritted teeth.

As I moved my hand to strike her cheek, a pale-looking hand had gripped my wrist tightly to avoid impact. I looked at the hand and suddenly grasped my sanity when I realized who it belonged to. At that moment, I stopped breathing and stared at it in shock, leaving my mouth slightly ajar. I looked up to find none other than my 'loving' boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha, giving me a glare.

"S-Sasuke?" I hear Ino breath out. I snatched my hand away from his grip and furrowed my eyebrows at him, returning the glare.

He looks at me with so much disappointment. "I can't even believe what I just saw, Nakahara."

I felt my heart drop when I heard him call me by my last name. It was just like the time when we were enemies. We sent each other glares, our eyes filled with pure hatred for one another, and he had just called me 'Nakahara'. Only this time, I was heartbroken.

I realized why Karin was waiting for my palm to meet her cheek. This whole thing was a goddamn set-up.

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