Chapter Three

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Chapter three:


I walked quickly after her, soon I could hear the sound of her tiny feet jogging down the hall way. I was gaining on her, she must have realized because she started full out running. Okay why was she running? And where was she running to? I heard the main door opening and closing, she was going outside huh? I smiled to myself as I pushed the door open. I walked casually toward her, okay now she was climbing the gate. Where the hell is she going? When she jumped down she turned and looked at me, using my enhanced vision I zoned in on her eyes. What the hell is going on first blue, then brown now gold, does she have some freaky contacts that change colour or something? I asked myself. She turned and ran across the road and disappeared into the undergrowth. I quickly vaulted over the gate and began following her.

Suddenly my wolf jumped forward and took control, I felt my clothes ripping as I transformed. The sneaky dog had taken me by surprize. Instead of galloping off after her like I thought he would, he started stalking her, moving soundlessly through the forest. I decided to let him do what he wanted, after all she was his mate.

When we caught sight of her; she was pushing ferns and shrubs out of her way. He silently followed   her as she made her way further into the forest. She would occasionally look back over her shoulder, but we would always be out of sight.

After a while she slowed down, she wasn’t panting heavily like before. She ran her hand lightly over tree trucks as she went, leaving behind that most delicious smell. She wasn’t looking back every couple of seconds now, she seemed to relax.  She mustn’t know we’re following her.       

Suddenly she was out in an open area; the clearing was filled with wild flowers. I heard her gasp; it really was a beautiful sight.  Sunlight streamed down onto her, making her seem to glow. My wolf crawled on his belly under some brushes that lined the edge of the clearing. I could tell he really wanted to run to her, but he didn’t instead he lay there and watched as she picked a purple flower and twirled it in her fingers.

She sat down in the sun, among the wild flowers and beamed at the sky. Wow she has a beautiful smile, I told my wolf. He nodded in agreement, and then he rested his big head on his paws and watched.

She stretched out on the grass, I don’t know why but she reminded me of a little kitten, sleeping in the sun, she was so cute. Wait what did I just think? Oh no I can’t think that’s cute; she has a hump for fuck’s sake! My wolf shook his head slightly, he really wanted to growl at me, but he didn’t want to give away our presence.

Suddenly all his attention was back on the little thing sitting on the grass. She was peering around the clearing; oops did I somehow give us away? But her eyes glanced over in our direction and didn’t stop. Slowly she grabbed her bag, giving the forest surrounding her one last glance; she started rummaging in her bag.

She pulled out a little pocket mirror and a packet of disposable wipes. She took off her glasses and proceeded to remove the make-up from her face and neck. Once all the make-up was gone she, put the stuff back in her bag. I couldn’t help but stare at her; she had to be the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. Her skin was a pale creamy colour that seemed to shine from within; I had this really strange urge to touch it, it looked so soft.

Suddenly she stood and glanced around the clearing again, she pulled the beanie from her head, her lovely blonde hair spilled down her back like a river of molten gold, it stopped near the top of her thighs.  She hooked her thumbs under the waist band of her sweat pants and began pushing them down her legs.  My wolf nearly jumped up, and tackled her to the ground. He wanted her right then and there. But I just managed to rein him in. Although while I had been getting him in control, we missed what little sight we could have had seen because a long white skirt was now covering her legs.  She turned to throw her pants at her bag, now she was facing us directly.  She grabbed hold of the bottom of her hoody; again I had to control my wolf as we watched her pull the garment over her head.  Turns out it wasn’t a skirt she was wearing it was a full length white dress.

Who wears a white dress under their clothes? I asked my wolf, he simply shrugged. He was just as bemused as me. She stretched her arms skyward and spun around.

What I saw was so unbelievable I couldn’t even breathe. I think my heart literally skipped a beat. This could not be real. This could not be happening; it must be some kind of strange dream. Slowly my wolf stood, he was just as confused as me, he started walking toward her. We really need to get some answers, I told him, he nodded and gently nudged her leg.


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