Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:


I stared out the window as dark shapes flew past in a blur, we had been driving for nearly an hour now, and it was staring to get dark. I had found out the names of the two kidnapers, the blonde one was Carter and the brunette one Daniel. They wouldn’t tell me where they were taking me.

Right now we were driving up a steep winding gravel road; tall pine trees shrouded us in darkness. I sat and though of a way to escape. After another five minutes of pondering, I finally came up with a plan. Moaning I held a hand over my mouth and the other on my stomach. Daniel glanced at me through the rear vision mirror. “You okay?” he asked concern in his voice. “I feel sick” I moaned again. “Oh hell no! You are not puking in my baby!” he yelled and slammed on the brakes.  I jerked forward and hit the back of Carter’s seat. “Watch it” I mumbled. Daniel practically ripped me out of his car.  He turned to glace in the back seat to check if I’d been sick. While he did this, I started running into the trees as fast as I could. “Fuck! She’s getting away!” Carter shouted.

I managed to pull my hoody over my head, while running in the dark without falling over. I was quite proud of myself actually. I glanced over my shoulder but all I could see was black. I jumped into the air, hoping like heck that there were no low branches and pushed down with my wings.

It felt amazing to have the cool night air rushing over my face. I flew upwards, my hands out in front of me. I felt pine needles brush against my palms; I gave on last downward push and then grabbed hold of the branches and tucked my wings back in close to my body. I managed to grab hold of a sturdy enough branch and climbed up into the heart of the tree.

After a few seconds I heard loud swearing coming from below. “Shit! Where the fuck did she go?”  Carter asked angrily. “Dude calm down, she must be around her somewhere I can still smell her scent”. I heard them walking around the surrounding area. “I can’t fucking find her! Dante is gunna kill us!” I heard Carter yell after a few minutes. “Stop yelling and concentrate” Daniel growled. After a couple more minutes there was the sound like skin hitting skin. “I’m such an idiot!” Daniel yelled.

“What are you going on about, man?” Carter asked confused. “Dude think about it, we can still smell her, but we can’t find her anywhere around here”. Daniel told him, “So?” Carter dragged out the O. “So if we can still smell her then she’s still around here right?” There was a pause “Right” carter replied. “Then where would she be if she wasn’t around here?” Daniel asked, “ I don’t know ,just fucking tell me!” Carter shouted frustrated. “Up you dickhead, look up!” there was another pause. “All I see are trees… ah fuck, I’m such a dumbass!” he shouted the last part. “How the hell did she get up there? It must be at least ten metres up to the first branch” Daniel asked. 

“You should probably fly away now” A masculine voice whisper behind me. He quickly clamped his hand over my mouth to muffle my scream.

“You hear that? That definitely came from up there” Daniel asked Carter. “Yeah I heard it, now how are we supposed to get up there?” I blocked out the rest of their conversation and whipped around to find … nothing? What the heck? Then who said that? I thought to myself. “That would be me honey” The same voice said but now it seemed to be coming from the inside of my head.

Who are you, where are you, and how can you hear my thoughts?” I asked mentally. You’ll find out if you follow me”. His silky voice flowed through my mind. I heard a soft rustling come from above. I climbed higher and higher, occasionally seeing a flash of luminescent eyes from above. I don’t know why but I was really curious to find out who he was.

“Come to the right a little, that’s it, now there should be a large branch above you, there now climb onto it and stand up”. I followed his directions and climbed onto the branch, when I stood up I broke through the foliage, the half-moon gave everything a silvery tinge.

“There you go beautiful, you can fly away now” he whispered from behind me. I whispered back “You have to answer my questions now” I heard him chuckle softly, “Sure, but not right now, you have to leave, their already half way up the tree” I frowned and turned my head more in his direction. “But how will you tell me later?” I asked very confused. “Don’t worry little sweet pea, I’ll find you again soon”. With that he shoved me in the back.

On instinct I opened my wings and pushed down, stopping myself from falling.  I turned hovering in the air, but all I could see was his bright eyes and gleaming teeth. I smiled back at him and thanked him, before turning and flying away.

I started flying west, over the tree tops, it didn’t take that long but by the time I got back, I was more than exhausted. I landed in the clearing that was situated next to my small cabin. Ah home sweet home, I though as I collapsed on my small bed.


I paced back and forth around the room. I glanced out the window, just in time to see that all too familiar, red sports car pull up in front of the house.  I ran out of the room and to the front door, I flung it open to see both guys reluctantly get out of the car. “Where is she?” I asked. Daniel rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh I don’t really know” he mumbled and looked at the ground. “What?!” I fumed; my wolf was howling and whimpering at me, basically eating me from the inside out. He was angry at both me and my friends, but he was also in pain. “Uh she kind of got away” Carter mumbled at the ground. “How could you let her get away!?!” I was so furious I was literally shaking with rage. “Not our fault she can climb trees like a monkey, and then disappear like a ninja” Carter said kicking a small stone away. I really, really felt like punching him again.

I took some deep breaths and tried to calm down. “What exactly happened?” I asked trying to keep calm. Daniel spent the next few minutes explaining what happened. After he was finished I punched a hole in the side of the house. “Fuck!” I said as my hand started throbbing.

“I’m really sorry dude, I’ll go back and get her tomorrow” Daniel offered. I shook my head “No don’t worry; I’ll get her another way. I mean what girl can resist my charm?” I asked cockily a smirk forming on my face. Just wait little Harmony, I’ll get you sooner or later.


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