Chapter Eight

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Chapter eight:


The walk through the forest with Amrit was peaceful; I loved listening to the birds sing, and the rustle of leaves moving with the wind. It was strange though, I felt totally comfortable with Amrit, but yet every time he touched me I got this kind of pain in my chest, like someone was sticking a whole lot of tiny needles into my heart. But it was bearable, just. 

After a while Amrit ruined our peaceful silence by asking me a question. “So little rosebud, who’s this ‘Dante’ you keep thinking about?” I looked at him like he’d just grown an extra head. “I do not think about him!”  I shouted. I heard him chuckle “Really because you were dreaming about him last night” I cheeks started to burn, I was thankful for the make-up. “Well I don’t remember that…” I mumbled at the ground, and then really thought about what he had said. “Wait, how long were you in my house last night?” I asked horrified, watching a person while they slept was creepy. “Long enough to look through your underwear draw” he answered cheekily.

I elbowed him in the ribs, lately I was becoming a violent person. “You’re a sick pervert that needs help” I muttered as I started walking ahead of him. He chuckled at me and used those long legs to catch up to me quickly. “I know you like it babe” he whispered in my ear as he once again slung his arm around my shoulders.  I sighed heavily. “I really don’t” I argued.

“Okay we’ll agree to disagree?” he asked, I turned my head and looked way up into those pale blue eyes. “I have the feeling that’s the best I’m gunna get out of you, so yeah agree to disagree” I said just as we came out of the forest opposite the school. We quickly crossed the road and entered through the gates.

Immediately I felt eyes on me as we walked in. I looked around discreetly and found a large group of people over to my right, there in the centre was Dante, and it looked as if he was trying to fry Amrit with the heat from his glare. “I think our little Dante is jealous” Amrit chuckled in my mind. “Have you been sniffing toilet cleaner of something? You’re making no sense at all, why would he be jealous?” I asked as we made our way toward the door.

Isn’t it kind of obvious? He likes you, and he definitely doesn’t like me, in fact I think he’s plotting to murder me” I smiled slightly “that’s because you’re annoying, I mean even I’m plotting your death” he mentally gasped “You know you really hurt my feelings, I think you owe me another kiss” I snorted. “Sorry I only kiss good looking people”. He smiled broadly at me as we came to a stop in front of the main door. He pulled me into a warm hug, I felt him burry his face in my hair and sniff it.

Did you just sniff my hair? Cause that’s kind of weird” He snorted. “Well I’m sorry, but you smell nice”. I started pulling away but he pulled me back, and pressed his lips to mine. “This one’s for Dante, but I’ll be coming back later for that other kiss you owe me” he said as he pulled away.

“Why do you keep kissing me? I told you I only kiss good looking people” I said as he started walking away. “Because I am extremely good looking and one hell of a kisser” he replied. I shook my head, what a crazy guy. Half way to the gates he turned back and shouted out something about a pair of black lace thongs. I was extremely embarrassed. “Shut up, you dork!” I shouted out back at him, but he only laughed. That stupid prick!

I know you love it when I embarrass you” he called out in my mind. “I really don’t” I mumbled quietly as I made my way down the crowded hall way.

In homeroom a short blonde girl with huge breasts, which were practically falling out of her shirt, came up to my desk. She looked down her nose at me “So your names Hannah right?” she asked. “Um actually it’s Harmony” her eyebrows scrunched together for a millisecond. “Right whatever, so I saw you with that guy this morning, he’s you’re boyfriend right?” I just shrugged as an answer.

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