Chapter 1

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It was dusk, and I was in the forest, walking with my dog. My bow wasn't with me, just my hunting knife. Weird, because I usually have my bow and arrows with me whenever I go into the forest. As I was listening and finding for anything that can be hunted, I spotted a stag galloping through the forest. It didn't look like a normal stag, because it was kind of glowing silver. I followed the stag deeper into the forest. It gracefully ran and wove around trees. I started running as fast as I could to catch up with it, but the stag seemed to be running faster and faster.

When I came to a clearing about a minute later, the stag stopped and faced me. Its neon green eyes seemed to be glaring at me. I stared back at it. I felt my dog lean against my leg. I was startled, because my dog does not usually lean against my leg when we're out hunting. I looked down and saw that it wasn't my dog. It was a wolf. It was leaning against my leg in an affectionate manner. I looked around for my dog. My dog, being a hound, was chasing a rabbit around.

I looked back at the stag. It still had that glare at me. I don't know where the idea came from, but I spoke to it.

"What do you want?"

And much to my surprise, the stag spoke back.

"Join me." It had a deep voice that made the hair on my arms rise.

"E-excuse me?" I asked uncertainly.

"Join me. You are the last able descendant of the great warrior, Niamh. You can help me. In return, you will have great reward. Now, join me."

"It seems weird. A talking stag? Asking me to join it? What? And last descendant of the great who? I have no idea what you're talking about. So, no thanks."

The stag bellowed like a bull. "Your time will soon come to join me! But beware. If you try to fight me, some things devastating will happen to you."

"This is just weird."

"Hmm," the stag mused. "I shall start with your beloved companion. Your dog."

My eyes widened in fear. The wolf left its place beside me and trotted to the stag. I looked around for my dog. I whistled for it, but my lips were dry so all I got out was a puff. As I was looking around for it frantically, it reappeared in the clearing. As soon as my dog came into view, the wolf charged towards it.

"NOO!!" I screamed and tried to run to them, but I could not, because my feet were suddenly stuck. I looked down and saw that vines were curling around my feet and legs. I looked back to my dog. The wolf was charging towards it, but my dog was very unsuspecting. All I could do was watch in horror. The wolf opened its jaws and went straight for the dog's neck. As soon as they collided, my dog fell limply in the wolf's mouth. I curled up, then I howled with rage and I started to cry.

"Join me," the stag said once again. I ignored it and cried my eyes out.


I woke up with a start from the dream. I realised that I was sweating like mad. I sat up in my bed. I had a dream that's similar, about two nights ago. That dream was scary and weird. I don't usually get talking stags in my dreams. And my dog was killed by a wolf. I shuddered, and then I looked to the foot of my bed and saw the grey lump sleeping. I sighed and checked the time on my phone. 5:30 AM. Perfect time to go hunting.

"I wish I get enough squirrels, or rabbits," I thought to myself as I swung my feet to the side of the bed and stood up. I walked to my closet and wore my hunting gear, then slipped my socked feet into my boots. I braided my long-ish hair tight then tied it carefully so it won't come off later. I grabbed my bow from its casing, then my quiver full of arrows that hung from a peg behind the door. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and headed out of my room. I whistled for my hound to follow me, then we walked out the door into the cool morning air.

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