Chapter 4

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We ran to the empty courtyard. I let go of Forrest's hand and looked around, then pulled out my phone to send a text to Ysa.

To Ysa: hei, Ysa.. I found Forrest already. Tell the others, then come here to the courtyard.

From Ysa: Kay kay x

I pocketed my phone then I faced Forrest.

"So... What were you doing there?" I asked him.

"I was trying to find you," he stated.

"Me?" I asked in disbelief. "Why? You could have just gone to the cafeteria."

He looked embarrassed. "You're my first friend in this school, right? So definitely, I'll go and find you. You left me in the classroom, and I didn't know where the cafeteria was. I tried following the other students, but they were going everywhere. Then I got lost."

"Oh," I breathed out. "Look, Forrest, I'm not mad or anything. I was just worried about you. And I'm really sorry I left you at the classroom."

He just stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I don't know where you've gone or if you were lost or something. Like when I got inside the cafeteria, I almost didn't eat my lunch if it wasn't for Kyle and Ysa who told me that they will help me find you then we split up finding through the whole entire school looking for you then I -- oh.."

I was cut off from my rambling by Forrest hugging me tight. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, and I could feel his breath hitting my neck in little puffs. I was surprised, because I was never hugged by a boy, other than Kyle, my best friend. I contemplated whether to hug him or not. I let the 'hug him hug him hug him' part of my brain take over my movements. And so I hugged him. When I hugged him back, he started spilling tears.

"Shhhhh.. It's okay," I crooned in his ear. "Why are you crying?"

"Well... I... I... Just…--" he sobbed harder, the sobbing shaking his body.

"Hey. It's okay," I said. "You can tell me."

He pulled back to wipe his tears.

"It's just... Since my parents died, nobody really cared for me this much. Nobody befriended me much in my previous schools."

"Oh," I said in disbelief.

Why would no one ever befriend this person? He might look mean on the outside, but he's sweet on the inside. But why did he choose to tell me?

"Hey Nike!" A voice shouted. It was Ysa.

"Oh, hallo." I looked around, and there was Ysa, Kyle, and the Vane twins coming towards us. I looked at Forrest, who was standing there awkwardly trying to wipe his tear-stained face.

"Where did you find him?" Kyle asked.

"East wing," I stated. "Forrest got into some trouble with Jake, Marco, and two other guys."

"Oh, ok," Kyle said, then he approached Forrest. "Hi, Forrest. My name's Kyle, and, uh.. I'm a friend of Nike. GBF, yaa know. Guy Best Friend."

"Hi," Forrest said, and cracked a smile. They started talking, and a smile formed on my face.

Ysa turned to me. "Forrest got into trouble with Jake?"

I looked at her and nodded.

"Whoa," Trazzie said.

"What did Jake do?" Tessera asked.

"Weird, crazy, out of this world things," I replied, remembering what happened back there in the hallway.

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