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This is only the first draft of an epilogue I have written ages ago. I found it on my phone and decided to publish it. I only changed one or two lines I didn't like. I did not add anything. This is completely raw writing, but I hope you enjoy it anyways.


"Dear Ian,

Because we still have problems about talking with each other about our relationship and our feelings, I decided to write you a letter and give it to you on my wedding day.

When you're reading this, I'm either marrying right now (in this case you really shouldn't be reading this letter in this moment) or I'm already married.

I hope you can read my handwriting. I found it too unpersonal to type it with the PC. And now here I am, and my hand already hurts. Anyways...

I want you to know that I have always loved you. You were my friend since we were kids, and still are, you never weren't. And yes, maybe there was more than that, many years ago, but what we had just a few months ago... It just wasn't right. Breaking up with Kalel back then didn't feel right, because I still loved her. I had to decide, and I chose you, but that was a mistake.

I'm writing this letter just days after our breakup, so I don't know how you managed all of that yet.

But I know that you felt horrible, and trust me, I did too. That's why I was crying and screaming. I felt betrayed by my own feelings. First I didn't know who to love, and I chose the one who I felt like was my soulmate. And yes, you're my soulmate, but not in a romantic way. I learned that the day our parents should have come. It just didn't feel right to describe you and me as a couple.

Yes, back then, when we were young, it felt right. You were my first love. But we didn't know ourselves as well as we do know.

I want to apologize. I know that you really loved me. So long ago and not so long ago, maybe even now. I know that you won't be satisfied with 'just a friendship', but everything else wouldn't be true.

Let's have a true friendship.

Yours, Anthony."

The End.



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You can find all YouTube fanfics (Smosh & Phan) on my blog (howellhecox.tumblr.com/fanfiction), and if you're interested in reading my Harry Potter fanfics, my AO3 is Petra1999 (http://archiveofourown.org/users/Petra1999)

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