Chapter 9 - Screams and Terror

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Don't judge I'm too lazy to read it through one more time.

This chapter was half finished since pretty long. But I was going through some personal issues, but the good thing about them: I don't have writer's block anymore! So here's the new chapter with an unexpected turn. Also, I added a cliffhanger like so often. I love it B)

Next chapter = Last chapter???!! idk, maybe?

Oh and if you're going through hard times right now this chapter might not be for you. I almost started crying writing it. Yo.


My alarm clock went off at 6 AM the next day. Still not being used to waking up next to my boyfriend, I winced when I touched his arm. When I stood up to turn off the alarm, I heard Anthony mumble something from under the bed sheets.

"What did you say?"

"I sajd com here agrn." my boyfriend demanded, now in a louder voice.

"We have a lot to do today, Anthony!" I reminded him.

"I knoo... Pleassse"

Sighing I laid down next to him and covered myself with the blanket. My bare feet touched his.

"You're cold, man." Anthony mumbled and turned around so he was facing me. His chocolate-brown eyes looked tired, but he had a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, wondering why he was grinning.

"You're beautiful."

My heart stopped for a moment, but then proceeded to pound at an incredible speed.  "Th.. Thanks." I lifted my hand and stroke my fingers over his cheeks.

"I love you, Ian." His voice was still quiet and tired, but his eyes were widely awake now. "I love you so very much..." He crowled closer to me and then even laid on top of me, our faces about two centimeters away from each other.

"God, Anthony! My.. Everything hurts!" I moaned, but his only response was a deep kiss. His hands wandered from the sheets to my face to my bare chest to my pyjama pants. From all the surprise I forgot to breathe, and had to separate my lips from his to catch my breath.

"Ian?" my boyfriend asked me with puppyeyes. I wanted to ask him what he wanted, but then I noticed that his fingers slipped slightly into my pants, remaining there and waiting for my answer.

I was completely sure what my friend wanted, but still I aspirated the word "What?"

I saw my friend blushing and felt his fingers stroking my underwear. "May I?" he asked quietly.

Breathing heavily, I had to make a decision. I wanted it, of course, but I didn't want it. After a few moments of silence, I thought 'Fuck it'.

"Yeah." I told him. "You may."

A hundred little deaths and four hours afterwards, we had finished cleaning the house.

"So, let's fetch our stuff from our old homes, shall we?" I asked Anthony.

"Elementary, my dear Watson." was his reply.


"Homes. Holmes. Watson.", Anthony explained the joke.

"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go."

"If you're able to walk, yeah." my boyfriend continued joking.

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