Chapter 5 - Is this the end?

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The next days flew past. We worked on a new Smosh video and filmed Game Bang, Gametime and co. Ian and I acted normal the whole time, and it was a relief when we were alone at home, because we hadn't to pretend anymore. We kissed, but we agreed to do nothing more, because there was still this thing with our girlfriends...

Suddenly it was the evening of the seventh day, and the crew just left. Ian was in the kitchen to make some sandwiches, and I was sitting on our couch, waiting for him to sit next to me, so we could begin watching our favourite TV-show. My friend spend quite much time in the kitchen - definetly more than he needed to make sandwiches - but I didn't ask when he gave me my food.

He sat down next to me and pressed the Play-Button. The TV-show started, but I couldn't focus on it, because I thought about our relationship and if it ends now.

I had just finished my sandwich when Ian got himself a beer from the fridge.

"Anthony, you know we have to talk." he said as he seated himself.

I looked at his face and saw that he looked at me too. I sighed and pressed pause.

"I know. I just... What do we do now?" I asked him.

"There are two possibilities: Either we tell our girlfriends about us or we don't."

"I want to tell them. I want to tell... everyone. But I don't think I can." I replied.

Ian closed his eyes. "I could try to tell them."

I was surprised about that. Ian was normally a bit shy when it comes to the topic of love.

"But I can't promise anything." he finished.

"It doesn't matter who does it. The thing that is important is that somebody does it. I can't pretend to only be your friend anymore. I can't do it."

Ian opened his eyes again. "You're right. But what do we do after we told them?" He looked up the ceiling. "You know what I mean."

This was a very difficult question. "If someone asked me who I would choose - Kalel or you... I wouldn't know the answer. I love Kalel, I want her to be my wife. But... I have this feeling that you are the one I searched for my whole life."

"Same with Melanie." he responded.

I thought about it and came to a resolution. "Let's just... tell them. The sooner the better. We can't continue lying to them like that."

Ian seemed to not like my idea, but he couldn't think of anything better. "Okay, let's do it. When is Kalel coming back exactly?" he asked.

"She arrives at the airport at 2 a.m. So I have to leave at around one." I looked at my watch. "We have two hours till then."

"Let's just finish this episode first!" Ian said and grabbed the remote. He pressed the pause-button again and we finished the episode.


Ian and I were standing at the front door.

"Well, I guess we see us tomorrow." I said.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled. "Good luck."

I knew that I would need that luck. "Thanks. Will you...?" I began.

"Melanie comes back tomorrow night. I will tell her then."

"Shouldn't I wait to tell Kalel then? They're good friends." I asked him.

"I'm sure you and Kalel will have enough to talk about." Ian sighed. "Good night then."

"Good night." I gave him one more smile before I turned around and got into my car. I drove to the airport and waited for Kalel to arrive.

When my fiancée got in the car, we hugged and kissed and talked about her week, but I didn’t start the car.

Eventually she asked "What are you waiting for, Anthony? Let's drive home."

I swallowed. "There is something I have to tell you first." I stuttered. I closed my eyes and bowed my head.

"What is it, Anthony?" Kalel's voice sounded frightened. "Tell me."

"You know that I love you, right? I always will. I'm not lying about that." I began.

My fiancée didn't answer, so I continued: "I may... fell in love with Ian."

I heard Kalel gasp. "What do you mean with 'fall in love with' him?"

I knew that she knew what I meant, but I answered anyways.

"He told me that he loved me. And then we kissed and... It's all very confusing."

I heard Kalel's voice break. "Why didn't you tell me?" she whimpered.

When I opened my eyes I saw that she began to cry silently. "I love you both, Kalel. It's so weird."

"If you would really love me" she began. Her voice was shaky. " wouldn't have fallen in love with someone else, as soon as I am far enough away." She opened the door and got out of the car. "Goodbye, Anthony." She bang shut the door, got her stuff from the trunk and rab away, as fast as her high heels allowed her to.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and they rolled down my face. "Kalel..." I whispered. That wasn't what I wanted. I had thought that Kalel would understand my weird situation. She couldn't just leave me like that, could she? Did she just break up with me? Could this be reality?

My hand was shaky, but I somehow managed to dial Ian's number on my mobile phone. When he answered the phone he sounded worried. "What's up, man?"

I took a deep breath. "She's gone, Ian. Kalel's gone."

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