Liberty- A Harry Potter Fan Fiction.

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  • Dedicated to Lauren, Jess, Amanda, Zoey, Jessy, Gina and Patrick.

Liberty-A Harry Potter Fan Fiction.

Chapter One-Forsaken.

A/N. So I only just started writing again recently. I did a fan fiction a while back which I never finished. This was because I was taken into hospital one day because my legs basically stopped moving. I'm not going into detail because else people will think i'm doing this so people feel sorry for me-honestly, i'm not. It's just so you know why the other one failed. I have wanted to write this for ages and now that summer's here, it seems like the right time. Arianna is a roleplay character of mine on facebook and I have been playing her for seven months now. Consequently, I know her pretty well which is why I decided to write this. Two chapters here to get you started, to get the idea. A lot of the characters I have used are OC's, many created by others who I have the permission to use so a huge thanks to them.

DISCLAIMER;I do not take credit/ have anything to do with JK Rowling and the amazing world that is Harry Potter. I am merely a fan writing a fan fiction. As for characters, Arianna and Tyler are my own and therefore, without permission they cannot appear in any other works. Yes, Jess (Jessiytots) does have a lot of work involving Tyler and Ari along with her own character Devon, but she has permission. All other original characters (Ascadelia Dumbledore, Devon O'Hare, Alex Davies, Calista Davis etc) have been formed by other persons. Their characters are NOT to be used by anyone other then themselves or me without permission. Also, the story line of Liberty is copyrighted. Nobody is to use any scenes, or indeed write spin offs and such of this. Sorry to be so specific, I just but a lot of hard work into this and don't want it taken! ANyway, enjoy!

You know that feeling you get, when you're a little kid and wake up early on Christmas morning, with butterflies in your stomach? You know there's something happening, that this day is not what you might call 'normal'. Once you remember this is the day you've been waiting for, you jump up. It's Christmas, a day of happiness and cheer. The joy that fills you is like no other. That's sort of what happened to me, when I awoke on that day. Except, it wasn't happiness that filled me when my brain kicked into action. It was a feeling of anticipation, mingled with nervousness and most of all, dread. This was indeed the day I had been waiting for, at least for the last few months. I was not doing this because I wanted to. I was doing it because, like normal, I had no other choice.

At exactly four thirty am on the 31st of July 1997, Arianna awoke to what would be the day that changed her life forever. At least, that is how the girl liked to think of it. Perhaps this was a little exaggeration, but then Ari had always been that way. Dramatic, yet with a sensible head when it came down to it.

The harsh cry of her alarm clock was the first thing that greeted the girl, although slightly muffled by the pillow covering it. Arianna awoke, rubbing her eyes with a yawn. Granted, she wasn't up by force, but she was still a teenager. Who actually willingly woke up at such an ungodly hour? Never had she arisen this early, never. Well, I guess now's the time to start. The girl told herself sternly, climbing out of bed with as much grace as possible so as to keep quiet.

Making her way to the bathroom, Arianna glanced at her glum looking reflection. She wasn't bad looking- on the contrary, many people saw her as pretty- but the girl could never feel quite satisfied with the way she looked. What everyone else saw was the same as the reflection in the mirror; a girl of about sixteen years of age, deep brown eyes framed with thick lashes and long brown, slightly wavy hair that extended midway down her back. Ari's pale complexion made her eyes stand out, a key feature in her face. Yes, she was pretty, there was no denying it. Her friends said it was just in a more subtle, natural way. However, all Arianna saw staring out of the mirror was a plain, drained girl, with nothing extraordinary about her. Then again, nobody looked their best at four o'clock in the morning.

Realizing she couldn't afford to spend valuable time being vain, the girl splashed some cold water on her face before heading back to the bedroom. Being back in that place just reinforced the enormity and importance of what she was about to do. There was no running away from it this time. Or maybe, there was. Dressing silently in the clothes she had laid out the previous night, it still had not sunk in that she was about to do something she'd always promised she wouldn't. You have to do this. For yourself. Arianna heard the voice of Ascadelia, one of her best friends echoing in her mind. The girl knew her friend was right- when was she not?- but it was still hard to accept the fact that she was about to do something utterly for herself for once.

Once dressed, the girl's eyes briefly sweeped over the bedroom she had lived in for the past sixteen years. For most people, their childhood bedrooms had been a place of happiness and laughter. For Ari however, it had been a place of shouting, sadness and often fear. There was the small, single bed she had curled up in so many times, pillow pulled over her head to block out the shouts. Often, she had not been alone, her sister also taking refugee late at night, seeking comfort from the only one in the house who would give it.

The memory of this almost brought tears to Arianna's eyes. Calista, her younger sister of fourteen. They had always been close, sticking together through thick and thin. In many ways, she was like her daughter. Now, after all these years, Ari was abandoning her. You have to. You have no choice. The girl tried to tell herself. There was no turning back, no time for second thoughts. Her only hope was that Calista would be safe. Reminding herself that she'd see her sister again in little over a month, Ari mentally ridiculed herself for wasting yet more time and swung her bag over her shoulder.

Resisting the urge to sneak into her sister's room, knowing it would only make her want to change her decision, Ari snuck down the stairs. A sharp scratch on her foot almost made her cry out and upon looking for the culprit, found a broken photo frame on the floor. A relic of the night before no doubt, another reminder of why the girl had to leave. Bending down to salvage the photo, Ari felt her blood run cold. It was a family photo, taken when she was no older than three. Calista was barely a year old and yet already it was clear how close the girls were, entwined as they smiled sweetly. Their parents were on the other side of them, smiling just as wide. Anybody who saw this would assume they were a normal, happy family. Even then, the Davis' were putting up pretence. Only on closer inspection could you tell this; Lily-Rose, the Mother looking pale and tired, a faded bruise on her left cheek that could be mistaken for a shadow. Austin, the father, his hands in fists, deep brown eyes flashing threatingly, a look that only those who knew him well were familiar with. In one fluid motion, Arianna ripped the photo clean in half, chucking the bit showing her parents back on the floor. The second half, of her and her sister, she folded in half and tucked it neatly inside her pocket. Knowing if she didn't go now she perhaps never would, the girl strolled briskly to the door and left the place she had not called home for years for good.

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