Chapter Eight-Revolution.

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Chapter Eight- Revolution.

A/n;Another chapter for you. Hope you like it (: Won't be an update tomorrow i'm afraid, but look out for one on Friday! Oh and i'd just like to say thanks to Jessiytots, who wrote the story 'Assumptions' that I linked you to in the last chapter, for giving me the idea of using the asterisks in the story. Sort of stole it, but it really worked out for this particular story. I'm sure she won't mind ;D *Hopes she doesn't anyway* o.e Anyway, enjoy.

It took Arianna a few minutes to recover from the shock of it all. Her sister’s words ran through her mind. You lost that right when you walked out on me. They were completely right about you. You are a bitch. You left me. It brought tears to the girl’s eyes just thinking about it, her worst fears confirmed. Pull yourself together, Ari. She told herself sharply. After much deep breathing and concentrating on anything but what had just happened, the girl entered the carriage. The scene was much the same as it had been at last look; Luna was still reading, Devon was still staring moodily out of the window. Asca was chatting merrily to Ginny and to some extent, Neville who didn’t take his eyes off of Luna the entire time. Her friends greeted her as she entered, even Devon giving a weak attempt at a half smile.

Ari took a seat next to Luna, in between her and Ginny. Opposite, Neville was sat by Asca and Devon by the window, directly opposite the dreamy blonde. Arianna was quiet, not wanting to know if her friends had heard the commotion outside. If they had, they said nothing and for that the girl was truly grateful. “How was your summer, Devon?” Ascadelia asked politely, clearly trying to include the older girl in their conversations.  Asca and Devon had never exactly been enemies-but they weren’t best buddies, either. The Gryffindor sixth year and Slytherin seventh year were oddly matched, complete opposites from one another. De’s tendency to slip into sulky moods did make her less approachable on occasions and it was perhaps one of the reasons why Ari’s other friends where a little more cautious around her.

“Oh, just peachy.” Devon snorted, pulling her knees even closer to her chest. “You know, with my Father being one of the Dark Lord’s most faithful and trying to torture me at every opportunity, I’d say it was one of the best summers I’ve ever had.” She finished sarcastically. The tension in the silence that followed could have been cut with a knife. Ascadelia and Ginny exchanged startled looks. Neville looked like he wished he was anywhere else but there. And Ari...well, in any other circumstances, it would have been comical, the reaction of her friends. But the thing was, every word of what Devon had just said was probably true. “Neville, have I got something on my face? You’ve been staring at me all journey...oh no, I didn’t forget to take my Wrackspurt repelling cream off again, did I?” Luna asked suddenly, in the bubbly, bright voice of hers. Clearly she had not noticed the tension in the carriage. If she had, she certainly didn’t comment on it or react in the same way. Neville himself went rather red and mumbled something incoherently.

“Oh...right.” Unsurprisingly, it was Asca whom recovered first. Stop there. Arianna thought. Don’t continue it...too late. “Well I suppose it could be worse. At least you aren’t a death eater, not like Draco Malfoy. “Internally, Ari cringed. She saw Devon shudder slightly at the mention of Malfoy and sub-consciously rub her left arm. No. She wasn’t. She couldn’t be... De caught sight of the expression on the girl’s face, grey eyes widening slightly in alarm. Judging by their expressions, none of the others had picked up on the signs like Ari had. Then again, they didn’t know the older blonde as well as she did. “I need some air.” Devon said suddenly, standing up abruptly and reaching for her bag. “Air? But Devon, you’re on a train!” Once again, Arianna resisted the urge to laugh. Poor Asca. Her heart was in the right place, that was for sure. “Really?” Devon snapped, a sure sign that one of her moods was in full swing. “I hadn’t noticed.” With that, she swung her bag over her shoulder, walking out of the carriage and kicking the door shut behind her.

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