Chapter Four-Bedrooms and Butterbeer.

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Chapter Four-Bedrooms and Butterbeer.

A/N. Hope you enjoyed the last three chapters! We would be on number five by now but I had some technology issues and lost two whole chapters -.- Ah well, here is a slightly revised Chapter Four. To me, the next chapter is the point where things get really interesting. This is basically a build up to it and of course shows a little about how Ari is with her friends. I’m so pleased I have eight one reads already! It’s not a lot compared to other fan fictions, but in three or four days I think it’s quite an achievement. So please keep reading, commenting, voting and suggesting etc. Most of all, enjoy! And sit tight for Chapter Five coming tomorrow :D

The next hour or so seemed like a dream to Ari. It flew by quickly that it could well have been, too. Upon entering the pub, the girl quickly spotted Luna, nestled in a comfortable looking alcove with, as promised, three bottles of butterbeer and a pile of cookies. “Ari!” Luna chorused, smiling dreamily as always. “I knew you’d make it. Asca has been practically stalking the front door for the past two hours. Told you not to worry. Although, Daddy did have a slight concern about the inhabitants of that forest you went through.” Arianna grimaced slightly at the mention as herself and Ascadelia took their seats. “Oh, I know. Snatchers, right? I had a bit of a...uhm run-in with them, so to speak.” Although the girl had escaped unharmed, the thought still made her cringe slightly. Horrible beings, Snatchers.

“Oh, no. I didn’t mean Snatchers. They’re harmless really, I think. It’s the nargles you have to watch out for. Daddy says there’s a whole load of them in that Forest, plus its breeding season. He did an article on it once, I think and that forest is one of the biggest Nargles populations in the UK.” Luna informed her friend with a slight nod. Arianna grinned at Asca. This was such a typical Luna thing to say. Only five minutes in and she’d already started talking about nargles. At least this time she wasn’t telling everyone who’d listen that Hagrid is actually a long lost descendent of the Crumple-Horned Snorcack. “, no Nargles to speak of. Although, I expect they would have much better hygiene than the Snatchers did.”

With that, Ari launched into telling her friends of her journey. From the Snatchers in the Forest, to Mitchell on the Knightbus. The only thing she kept to herself was her dream; even to her best friends, she would never admit what an effect Austin had on her. The two blondes laughed at how Arianna had dealt with the Snatchers, both agreeing that it sounded completely like the girl they knew. “I’m so glad you’re here, Ari. It was the right choice, you know.” Asca’s ice blue eyes studied her brown gently, smiling slightly at her friend. Luna too was smiling in her dreamy way and the two girl’s compassion warmed the other’s heart. She really did have some of the best friends in the world. “I know. were right. I need to do this.” Ari sighed a little before draining the rest of her drink. The others had long since finished theirs and in the midst of all the talking, she’d forgotten all about it.

“Have you got the time, Lu?” Asca asked, flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulders. It had always marvelled Ari how very alike her two friends were physically. Luna too had long blonde hair, although slightly more wavy than the other girl’s. The blue of their eyes were amazingly similar too and with just a few inches different in height between the two, it was no wonder they were often known as ‘twins’. Many had mistaken them for sisters in the past, a fact that always amused them greatly. “Half past. When’s the next train?” Luna asked, glancing at what Ari had first thought to be a strange yet intricate bracelet. At a second look, the girl realized it was in fact a very small watch, engraved with moons and stars all along. The face of it was an electric blue rivalling that of Asca’s eyes, with moon and stars again, moving around as time passed.

“Fifteen minutes. We can make it, if we leave now. “Ascadelia replied, glancing at Ari. “Are you ready to go?” She asked. Am I ever thought the girl as she nodded in reply, grinning at the expression on her friends faces. It was difficult to tell who was more excited; Ari, or the two blondes. “We’re getting the train?” She asked sceptically, as they left the Leaky Cauldron and made their way into Muggle London “Is it safe?” The only thing the girl knew about trains were from her Muggle Studies lessons, a subject she seriously regretted taking and hardly ever paid attention in.

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