Chapter Sixteen-Birthday Surprises.

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A/N; Another chapter! Much longer than usual this time, I don't know what came over me but today I was really motivated...I sat down, started typing and finished it in a day! Next upload on Tuesday. For me, this is where the plot thickens and the story turns rather'll see what I mean in a minute. I'd like to say a special thanks to my friend, Katherine who was part of my inspiration for this chapter. I don't want to give much away but it was my birthday a few weeks ago and she brought me the most amazing present, hence why I've had George buy Ari the same here. You'll see what I mean in a minute ^-^ Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think. :3

Chapter Sixteen- Birthday Surprises.

“You know, it’s probably a good thing you’ve heard nothing about Luna. I mean, everyone knows she has always been a supporter of Harry. If anything bad had happened, the Death Eaters would jump at the chance to inform the public. It makes him look weaker, if his friends are hurt.” Devon’s voice carried around the now-busy common room, alerting Arianna from her day dream. It was the evening of the 3rd of July; the day everyone returned from their holidays and the eve of the girl’s seventeenth birthday.  Needless to say, it wasn’t a particularly cheery evening. “Everything’s just such a mess.” She proclaimed, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. “First I find out about Tyler, and then Luna’s gone missing...” “It’s been a long day.” De agreed, grey eyes filled with sympathy. She too didn’t look as though she’d slept in weeks, large bags under her eyes, skin paler than usual.

“It has.” As though to prove this, a yawn escaped her mouth. “I think I’m off to bed.” Ari told her with  a sigh. In truth, the shock of finding out she had a brother had still not been overcome, let alone the fact that  one of her best friends may at that very moment be being tortured by Death Eaters. Her head was pounding and in that moment, she felt as though she could sleep for a thousand years. Thank Merlin I’ve still got one more day before lessons start again. The girl reflected. Birthday or no birthday, tomorrow she just wanted a nice, relaxed and trouble free day. If there was such a thing in the world of Arianna Davis, that is. Bidding goodnight to her friend, Ari trailed up the stairs and collapsed on her bed without undressing, falling asleep instantly.


She was flying, soaring through the air. Even in her sleepy state, Arianna could tell this was a dream; never would she be seen anywhere near a broom in reality. Yet here she was, flying a decent looking broom with as much precision and skill as any professional Quidditch player. There was something urgent in her movements, as though rushing to get somewhere, or running from something. “Ari!” Her name carried through the wind, a bronze-haired boy appearing next to her on his own broom. “Ari, they’ve got Luna. Austin and Eli, they took her off the train!  Follow me!” Tyler shot off, his sister following his every move. “Ty, where are we going? How did they find Luna?” She called. Why would they do that? What did they want? The boy slowed his broom slightly, turning to face Arianna, a grave expression upon his face. “It’s Calista. Calista told them where she was. They gave her a choice; Luna, or George.  She chose Luna. She betrayed us, Ari. She betrayed us.”

“NO!” Arianna awoke with a start, screaming as she sat bolt upright in bed. Someone’s hands were around her, restraining her. “NO! Let go of me, let go!” She screamed, kicking out in an attempt to break free of the hold upon her. “Ari! Ari! Wake up, it’s just me! It’s just a dream!” That made  the girl freeze, blinking  a few times as though to clear her vision. Calista was stood in front of her, fully clothed, her sister’s hands firmly in her grip. “Oh.” She said stupidly. “Sorry.” With that, Arianna pulled her hands free and rolled over, pulling the covers over her head. Still in her dazed state, her mind was too frazzled to evaluate anything. Not the dream, nor the fact that her fourth year sister was, for some unknown reason, in the sixth year dormitory.

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