Chapter Fifteen-New Years Revelations.

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Chapter Fifteen-New Years Revelations.

“He’s my what?” Arianna asked, pure shock running through her. No. It was impossible. She didn’t have a brother. Tyler wasn’t her brother. It just wasn’t possible. Hell, Ty didn’t even know who his parents were! They were killed by Death Eaters when he was a baby; he’d lived with Remus ever since...he couldn’t be her brother. No, she wouldn’t put it past Austin to have cheated on her Mother but-the girl froze as she thought this, a hand flying to her mouth. Austin. “T-Ty? What’s your middle name, again? Aaron, is it?” She asked in the smallest voice possible, hoping her suspicion was wrong. The boy shook his head, dark brown eyes-the exact shade of her own, Ari realized with a start- meeting hers. “Austin. Tyler Austin Lupin.”

“Oh Merlin.” She whispered, suddenly feeling a little light-headed. As much as she had her doubts, the evidence was undeniable; Tyler was her brother. “Ari? Ari love, are you okay?” The girl barely heard Devon’s familiar voice, filled with concern, nor did she hear Ascadelia’s exclamation of “She looks like she’s going to pass out!” A strong hand gripped her upper arm, guiding her away, but once again this barely registered in Arianna’s brain. Before she knew what was happening, the girl had been lead out of the Entrance Hall and onto a small bench opposite the Viaduct. “She looks a bit peaky...” “So would you if you’d just found that your best friend’s boyfriend was your brother!” “Dumpling, Asca! You’re not helping matters here! It’s just the shock; she’ll come round in a few minutes.

The bickering between her two friends and the strong, commanding voice of Tyler was so familiar by now, that it was almost comforting. It was certainly enough to shake Arianna out of her daze, swiftly coming back to the present. “Some things never change.” The girl mumbled with a half smile, opening her eyes and blinking them a few times, as though only just taking notice of her surroundings. Her three friends breathed a sigh of relief. “Ari!” Ascadelia exclaimed, a frown creasing her forehead. “Thank Merlin you’re alright! Do you feel okay? Do you need anything? A drink, something to eat...a potion? Do you need us to take you to the Hospital Wing? Or I could get Madam Pompfrey to-“Asca! Let the girl breath!” Devon told her with a shake of the head, dirty blonde hair flying everywhere. “She’s had a shock is all.” She informed, although her murky grey eyes too were filled with concern as she studied her friend’s face carefully.

“I’m fine.” Ari told them with a slight nod, sounding much more confident than she felt. “De’s right-it was just a shock.” The girl attempted a weak smile, noticing that Tyler wasn’t taking his eyes off her. For some, totally unexplainable and downright bizarre reason, she blushed slightly, a splash of colour grazing her otherwise pale cheeks. For once, Arianna was grateful for her naturally drawn out complexion; any colour added easily went unnoticed, for it assumed what most thought to be a ‘natural’ look. What was up with that? She’d known Ty for years now, since the first day she’d joined Hogwarts, having sat with both him and Devon on the incoming journey. Despite the two year age difference, they’d always got along well, often indulging in banter with one another. He’d always been like a big brother to her-now that he actually was, why did she feel so...strange?

“We-I mean, I- should go.” The bronze-haired boy announced with a reluctant sigh, standing up from his position on the ground in front of his sister. “I’ll leave De to explain everything.” He told Ari, his chocolate-like eyes giving her a meaningful glance. By that, the girl took it that he was referring to how the couple had come to know of his parentage. “Don’t go, Pie.” Devon whined, sounding rather like a young girl pleading for a later bedtime. “I don’t want you to.” She complained, wrapping her arms around him and burrowing her head in his chest. Arianna bit her lip, averting her eyes. It was like Platform 9 and ¾ all over again and the girl found it surprising just how emotionally affected she seemed to be by the sight. Was it simply because she cared for her ‘friends’ (for she refused to think the word brother) and hated seeing them struggling apart, or due to the fact that she missed having a boy of her own to hold? Either way, it was something that deeply pulled at her heartstrings. Judging by the look on Ascadelia’s face, the feeling was very much mutual.

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