Chapter Eleven-Truth and Lies.

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Sorry the update has taken so long-I am currently on holiday and have only just got internet access. Now I have it though, you should expect another update sometime in the next few days. Anyway, the events in this chapter are very important and I’ve been waiting to do it for a long time. So enjoy and I’d love it if you told me what you think-constructive criticism is welcome here :3 Thanks as always to all those who have let me use their OC’s and all those who are following Ari’s story :D

One more thing. A while ago I linked you to ‘Assumptions’, a story featuring Ari, Devon and Tyler. Well, it is completed now and the first chapter of the sequel ‘Suspicions’ has just been uploaded. Also, for those of you who like the Tidy pairing (Ty and De from this story), you might like to take a look at ‘Business as usual’ which is currently in progress. It revolves around Tyler and Devon in the muggle world. Same characters, just totally original. Arianna of course is featured too. So go show your support and take a look at them. 



Business as usual-

One last thing, I know I'm gibbering on today but I thought you might like to see what some of the characters look like;






Chapter Eleven-Truth and Lies.

The news that Devon O’Hare was a Death Eater travelled like wildfire around the school. Of course, only those who were present at the meeting knew the true story behind it all, how the events unfolded. That did not stop the flurry of rumours, though. Those who were present kept their mouths shut about the D.A, but it didn’t stop some from telling everyone who’d listen about the scandal. Many knew of Ari’s involvement, too. The Slytherin who had always insisted she wasn’t like the stereotype, that she could be friends with all four houses alike. The Slytherin that had caused much controversy, even shunned by most members of her own house because of her friendships. The Slytherin that had now lost her sister and friends, who spent her time in class alone.

Hurt from what she saw as betrayal from her friends, the girl spent the first few months of school rather withdrawn from the rest of the world. She had no more contact with Calista or Alex, save the occasional glare from the girl. Despite Ascadelia’s attempts to talk to her friend, Arianna did not reconcile completely with her friends. Devon was the only one who could come to understanding what she was going through; they depended solely upon each other. Her days were spent drearily in class, working in silence and leaving swiftly. She barely turned up at dinner anymore, not giving her sister or friends a chance to even attempt communication. Her early evenings were spent in her dorm, until the rest went to bed. At this time Ari would meet with De in the common room, talking together until the early hours of the morning. It wasn’t a pleasurable lifestyle, but one she had to live.

“What’s that, De?” Arianna asked on one such evening. They were sat in their usual seats, Ari working on a Potions essay. She had never been particularly good at completing homework on time, but this year things were different. This year, the punishment was more than just a simple detention, the consequences too ghastly to imagine. Devon was sat, with a piece of parchment in her hand, grey eyes scanning it carefully. “Just a letter from Tyler.” The blonde replied, a note of sadness in her voice. She herself had been withdrawn and much moodier than usual, not speaking civilly to anyone other than the girl sat beside her. As much as she reassured Arianna that the rumours didn’t bother her, they had to be having some sort of impact upon her. The truth was, nobody understood the impossible position Devon O’Hare was currently in.

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