Chapter Twelve-Wounded.

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A/n; So it's been a few days since I've uploaded, reason being that I am on holiday. I get back tomorrow so expect updates roughly every other day. I'm trying to get as many chapters in before I go back to school O: Don't worry though, even when term starts you should get an update at least once a week. Hope you enjoy this chapter- I was pretty confused on how to pace this one but I think it turned out okay. A lot of the stuff mentioned will be very important later on in the story; a fill-in chapter, if you like. One more thing before I leave you to read; last time I sent links to several pictures of some of the OC's in the story, but this didn't include Ascadelia. I have found a picture of her now, though so take a look if you're interested in what she looks like :3

Enjoy C:

Chapter Twelve-Wounded.

Arianna was confused. There was no doubt about it; she had no idea where she was or what she was doing there. Her eyes opened blearily, lids almost too heavy to lift. Wearily, the girl tried to assess the situation. Everything hurt. By that, she meant everything. Her limbs felt stiff and heavy, like they hadn’t been moved for days. Her muscles felt overworked, tired to the core. Even her head was feeling out of place, like someone had stuffed it with candy floss, a type of Muggle sweet Ari had once tried. The girl’s vision was blurred, hazy and confused. Blinking a few times, she could just barely make out the room in front of her. Everything was covered in white, radiating cleanliness. It smelled clean, too. Like somebody had gone slightly crazy with an anti-septic spell. The smell crept up Arianna’s nose, burning her nostrils.

“Ouch!” The girl winced as she tried to sit up, a sharp burning pain along the left side of her body alerting her to stop. Glancing over at her body, Arianna had to stifle a gasp. Her entire side was bandaged, from her arm down to her hip and leg. No wonder it was so painful! Desperately, she tried to remember how she had gotten this way. Her mind was blank for a while, still trying to shake the dazed haze that covered her entirely. I was in Apparation class. I was about to apparate when I got distracted at the last minute and...Oh Merlin. Ari bit her lip as it all came flooding back to her. What had happened after? Where was she? Would she be okay? Her silent questions were interrupted swiftly by footsteps, the sound growing louder and louder. Somebody was coming.

Arianna would never know what made her do what she did next. It was going against logic, going against all common sense, but still she felt compelled to do so. Rather than waiting for the person to reveal themselves, the girl fell back against the pillows and shut her eyes, breathing deeply as though she was asleep. The sound of curtains being drawn mingled with the footsteps, which were much louder by now. Though her eyes were shut, Ari could sense there was somebody watching her, hovering above her bedside. Whoever it was moved again, the sound of someone sitting on a leather chair ringing out. “I’m so sorry.” The voice made the girl’s heart plummet. It was so vulnerable, almost pleading. That voice, which she knew so well. That voice, which recently had been full of malice and hatred. That voice, saying the words she so desperately wanted to hear. Calista.

“It’s my fault, isn’t it? I was so horrible to horrible. Now you’re like this. What if you don’t wake up? It’s all my fault.....all my fault. Please wake up. Please.” The girl was practically sobbing by now, a heart wrenching for her older sister to hear. “S’not your fault I don’t know how to apparate.” Arianna muttered, eyes fluttering open gently. “Ari?!” Calista gasped, voice trembling slightly. The elder girl lifted her head slightly off the pillow, examining her sister. Her sister’s hair, so alike her own, was hung in rugged, messy curls around her face. Unlike the last time they had spoken, Calista was wearing no makeup, large brown eyes filled with tears, red splotches marking her tired looking face. “You look terrible.” Arianna told her truthfully. “Oh, thanks a lot! Love you too, sis.” She replied indignantly, rolling her eyes sarcastically. The corners of Ari’s mouth twitched, as though longing to smile. It was such a normal conversation, so sister like that it was almost too much to bear.  Calista on the other hand, looked more forlorn than ever, several tears running down her cheek.

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