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November 6, 2015.

       Okay, I get home (immediately check on my computer for any new emails,messages, or horrible pics from my friends.

        I see this girl Stacy something and she has liked all my photos on facebook, sent me a friend request AND a message. I felt like she was a really good part-time stalker (Like if you needed a stalker she would do a nice job)

         I always feel weird about accepting people I don't know to be my friend on Facebook because if we don't have some type of relationship then why are we friends.

          Anyway, The girl that was stalking also walks past my house I realized. I just never really talk to her so that was even creepier. So I had to put on my big-boy pants. And I waited on the stairs. Not All Day. She walked past as usual and I stopped her and we had a very weird conversation. And she has the laugh that makes my ears want to fall off.

        Have you ever heard those kind of laughs that make a shiver go down your back and yours ears want to walk off. I usually like people's laugh but her laugh was the worst of every ones laugh.

       She followed me on Insta, Snapchat, AND Twitter. I was fucking terrified. She just creeped me out. I felt like she was a stalker in the making. I talked to her today and told her she was kinda stalker-ish and she stopped talking to me altogether. I feel really bad now but it's whatever.


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