Chapter 4

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Author's Point of View

The aroma of food filled the air heavily. It made him sick. Completely sick to the stomach. Though the food stench wasn't the whole reason he felt sick to the stomach; it was Kieran with Masa that made him sick to the stomach. He spotted them earlier, standing there until Masa had reached out and intertwined their fingers together. He was revolted.

"Haruki?" A voice called out to the envious man.

"Huh?" Haruki blinked, looking around until he remembered that his boyfriend, Kyu, was here as well.

"What's wrong? You've been staring out in space for a while," the youngest twin frowned, looping his arms around Haruki's neck.

Haruki looked down at Kyu. Oh so beautiful Kyu. Why wasn't he satisfied at all? He knew of other males in the school who were jealous of him for having the cutest boy in school as his boyfriend.

Shaking his head, Haruki leaned down and kissed Kyu who gladly kissed back. "It's nothing too important. Let's get some food," Haruki decided, intertwining his fingers with Kyu, and leading him to a good vendor.

As Haruki and Kyu went off to find food for themselves, Kieran and Masa had already bought their food and was well on their way finding a suitable spot for them. They bought serval kinda of food and knew by the end of it all, they woke gladly stay out until the fireworks went off.

"Here, Kieran," Masa smiled, holding up an onigiri for his date.

"Thank you," Kieran smiled back, reaching for the onigiri until Masa scolded him.

"Nuh-uh-uh," Masa shook his head. "I'm going to feed you."

Kieran's face rose in color; the heat once more radiating off his cheek.
He swallowed hard before inching forward as the delicacy did too. Taking a bite, Kieran pulled back and chewed before swallowing. He smiled and inched forward to take another bite until the nourishment was completely gone.

"How was it?" Masa asked with a curious expression.

"Very, very good. You should try one," the black-haired boy said, raising an onigiri up towards Masa's mouth.

Masa's Point of View

I watched him eat the food from my hand. And let me tell you this: it was the most cutest thing I've ever seen! It was like feeding a puppy.
I watched Kieran lifted up the onigiri, enticing me to take a bite. I did no second later. He was right. The food was amazing.

"So...?" Kieran looked at me, awaiting for an answer.

"It's amazing," I cooed, eating the rest of the good.

After all the food was devoured, I pulled Kieran close to me, looping my arm around his waist as we say up against the tree and looked up at the sky, waiting for the fireworks to start.
"Masa," Kieran spoke softly, his head leaning against my side.


"Thanks for taking me out."

I sat up a bit and looked down at him. He peered up at me, wondering what was going through my mind.

"You're welcome," I whispered before leaning down to kiss Kieran gently against his lips.

He didn't seem to mind the kisses anymore since he returned each and every kiss I gave him that night.
The booming sound up in the sky alerted us both. We both looked up and saw colors exploding across the starry night sky.

This was going to be the best year yet.

Author's Point of View

As soon as the festival ended, Masa walked Kieran back home. They held hands and laughed. Onlookers who gazed seemed envious of the two. They were young and trusted each other after such a short time, but one onlooker with an significant other gazed with hatred. His best friend was spending his time with someone else than him. Weren't best friends supposed to be there for each other? The two couples were not that far from each other; Kieran and Masa in front and Haruki and Kyu further behind. Haruki tried his begs not to pay much attention to the two up front, but he heard Kieran's cute laughter fill the air.
As for Masa and Kieran, they both arrived at Kieran's house.

"Thanks for taking me out, Masa. I had fun– ally of fun with you. I hope we can do something like that again," the eldest twin sheepishly said.

"Of course we can do that again," the taller boy laughed, leaning forward to kiss Kieran on the lips. "I'll see you on school on Monday."

The raven watched the other boy walk away until he was out of sight. Quickly, Kieran ran inside and into his room where he laid in bed and replayed the whole evening he spent with Masa. He especially kept replaying the part where he had such a sweet time kissing Masa under that tree.

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