Chapter 4

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sorry for the wait. hope you like it! 

As Dmek opens the door, i see him standing there with nothing on but a towel. oh my god, his body is amazing. i can feel a blush form on my face. "come on in man, just sit where ever" he says. "" i say. As i walk in i trip over something and land straight on top of Dmek. Somehow his towel flys off and im face-to-face with a damp, naked Dmek. As awkward as the situation was, i could still feel my pants becoming very tight. "Oh my god Mitchell, are you ok!?"  "uh.....yea, im good." i say. "Uh, can you get off me now?" Dmek says. "Oh, sorry" i say. I get off of him and try to avoid from looking at him. "Man, for just meeting you today, you've seen more of me than you need to." Dmek says. I look over to respond but see nothing but his....well you know. My face becomes as red as a tomato and, if its even possible, i feel my jeans grow even tighter. Thank god for skinny jeans. "ah sorry sorry sorry!" i say as i look away. "Oh, my bad dude." Dmek says as he covers himself. How is he so mellow about this? oh wait, he's on the football team. he's used to having other guys see him like this. "go ahead and chill on the couch while i get dressed. feel free to turn on the TV." Dmek says as he runs upstairs. I decide to just sit and wait. I cant help but notice that Dmek has a really nice house. The couch was really confortable. There were several expensive looking paintings on the wall, along with a curio cabinet filled with Dmek's sports trophies. "ready to go?" Dmek calls downstairs. "Yeah." i yell back. "where are we going?" i ask as he makes his way downstairs. "I figured we can just hang at the mall." He says. "ok." i said. we walk out to the garage, only to find  2 very nice, very expensive looking cars. "Woah Dmek. Your parents bought you this nice of a car?" i asked. "well, not exaclty. The red Convertible, my car, was my dad's old car. He gave to me for my birthday and bought a Charger." He says. "Oh. Your parents must have really good jobs." I said. "My mom is a nurse and my dad's the mayor." He says. "your dad's the mayor? no wonder you're so popular" "if you say so" He says as we get in the car. "You mind if i play some music?" He asks. "no. What kind of music do you like?" i asked. "Well, most people think its "emo" music, but bands like Asking Alexandria, All Time Low, stuff like that." "Those are my favorite bands too." I say. He starts playing the All Time Low cover of Umbrella and starts the car.  

Its a short drive to the mall, so we just listened to music. Once we got there we went staright to Hot Topic. On the way to the store, we run into a few kids from my old school. "Hey Faggot." The biggest one says.His name was Ryan "Sucked any d*** lately?" "I...I...I" I can't talk. Memories of them beating me up everyday flash in my mind. "I miss beating you up everyday. Hows that boyfriend of yours? Jarrod's his name right?" He grabs the front of my shirt and is about to punch me. But before his fist hits my face i hear Dmek's voice. "Put. Him. Down." "What if i don't? Whatcha gonna do bout it a**hole?" He says. Dmek doesnt say a word. "that's what i thought." He says and turns back to me. Suddenly, Dmeks fist collides with Ryan's face. The other two kids rush at Dmek. He elbows one in the ribs and punches the other one in the face. All three are on the ground now. "Don't ever talk to him like that again." Dmek walks away and i run towards him. "You didn't have to do that for me." i said. "What? of course i did. I don't let anyone get treated like that. No one deserves it. Especially my friends." He says. We walk the rest of they way to Hot Topic and, right before we enter the store, Dmek stops me. "Is all that stuff they said true?" He looks at me with a serious expression. Oh god.....he knows. What if he doesn't like me anymore because im gay? What if leaves me right here in the mall. I feel my eyes start to tear up. "Dmek please don't hate me. Your the one person who hasn't turned me away. I just.....i just need someone." i say. I look at him and his expression softens. "MItchell, i don't care about that. I just care that your dating Jarrod. He so rude, there is no way he treats you right." "He treats me fine" i lied. I don't want to drag Dmek into this mess too. "He can get a bit testy from time to time though" "If you say so." He says, as we walk in the store. Once we were finished, we made our way to Dmek's car. I ended up buying an Adventure Time lanyard, a Sonic the Hedgehog t-shirt, and Punk Goes Pop 5. The drive home was just as quiet as on they way there. We arrive at Dmek's house and he pulls in the driveway, stops the car, and turns to me. "wanna hang out again tomorrow?" "sure. I better go home. Its getting late." "alright. See you at school." "See ya."i say as i get out and walk to my car. memories of the day  flood my brain. One memory sticks out though. I feel myself blush once again. I look back at Dmek who was carrying in his shopping bags. God, why can't Jarrod be like Dmek. I sigh and walk to my car. it's going to be a long night.

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