Chapter 10

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I had never been in so much pain in my life. I knew Jarrod was going to snap sometime. Why didn't I end it sooner? Why didn't I tell someone Why didn't I tell Dmek? He would've helped me. Jarrod would be out of my life and I could have just focused on getting past all this. But it's too late. I'm an idiot for letting it get this bad.

It seemed like forever until my mom came home and found me. She walked in the house carrying a bag of groceries. "Hey Micthell, will you help me put these away? Why are you lying on the floor? and why are your pants down?" She said as she walked over to me. "Oh my god Mitchell, what happened?! Who did this to you?!" Her voice was frantic. "I'm going to call an ambulance." She got up and ran for the phone. "Hello, I came home from work and found my son lying on the floor and he appears to have been sexually assaulted............. yes........okay.............451 S Indiana Avenue.......okay, thank you." She hung up the phone and came back over to me. "Stay calm Mitchell. I'm so sorry i didn't come back sooner. If I wouldn't have stopped at the grocery store, i could have prevented this." She said. You could tell she was about to cry by the way her voice was shaking. "It's not your fault mom. It's Jarrod's." I said. "Jarros did this? We are taking his butt to court and getting him arrested." Thank god. Finally, I'll be done with him.

The ambulance arrived 15 minutes later. The paramedics had trouble getting me on the stretcher becuase it hurt to move. The ride to the hospital was boring. And the machines inside the ambulance wouldn't stop beeping. After a while, they brought me into the emergency room and put me in a room with a lot of machines. "Wait here for just a second and then, we are going to run some tests. Your mother should be with you shortly. Before i go, you said you know the name of the boy who assaulted you? The nurse the wheeled me in here asked. "Yes, his name is Jarrod Smith." I said. She jotted down his name and walked out. A little bit later a doctor came in and introduced himself to me. "Hello Mitchell, i'm Dr. Holland. Would you please describe what happened up to the point in which you were assaulted?" "Sure" I said and explained that I had come home from school and found Jarrod at my house and yadda yadda yadda. As i replayed the scenes in my head, i felt tears start to gather in my eyes. "I'm sorry Dr." I say as i just break down. "It's fine. Your alot stronger than some people who go throught this. You can describe it in great detail three hours after it happened. It takes some people years before they can talk about it. Now we have to take a blood and saliva sample to make sure you didn't get an STD. And then we will have a nurse check to see if there was any damage done." He said and motioned for me to follow him. He led me to a lab where a nurse sat me down in a small enclosed room. "Don't worry, we just have to get a blood sample. It doesn't hurt much. Not as much as a shot." She said and grabbed a thick rubber band and a needle attached to a tube, attached to a small, test tube looking, container. I can't remember the last time i got a shot. And i can't rmember ever having blood drawn. She tied the band around my arm and got the needle ready. "It helps if you don't look at it." She said and stuck it in my arm. The needle was kinda thick so that hurt worse than anything. after a few seconds, the little test tube looking container attached to the needle was full of my blood. "All done. Take it easy for the next few days." The nurse said. I nodded and left the room. Next was the saliva sample. It was easy to get, I just had to spit in a small container. The next thing was the worse. They had to search my body for any damage. They stripped me down and found fingerprint bruises on my hips. They took pictures of them and continued. They found a more evidence and took more pictures, and when it was done, i finally got to go back to my room. When i got back i expected my mom, but found Dmek instead. "MItchell, are you okay? Your mom called me to watch you tonight because she had to work in the morning. Did Jarrod do this to you? I'm Going to kick his-" "Dmek clam down. I'm fine." Tears welled up in my eyes again and i break down again. Dmek wrapped his arms around me tight. It's the first sincere hug i've had for awhile. "C'mon, let's get you home. The doctors will call with the test results as soon as possible." Dmek said and led me out of the hospital and to the car. It still hurt to sit down.

When we got to my house, Dmek helped me get inside. "Your mom told me to watch you tonight. Is there a guest room or some other place i can sleep?" He asked "You can either have the couch or my mom's bed. I recomend my mom's bed. She won't mind." I said. "If you say so. Goodnight, wake me up if you need anything." He said. "Alright. Night." I said and went to my room. I didn,t even bother putting on pajamas. I just stripped to my boxers and plopped on my bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as iI landed on the bed. It's been an exhausting day.

"Hey, Mitchell, wake up." Dmek's voice woke me from a deep sleep. "what time is it?' I ask. "12:00. My mom let me stay home from school to stay with you. Thought you might want some company." He said. I smiled. "Alright, wanna watch a movie?"

The next five days were just me and Dmek hanging out. We watched movies, talked about bands we liked, and we worked on the stuff we were missing from school. Later that night, i asked Dmek if he would take me to school. He was a little skeptical at first, but i finally got him to agree.

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