Mitchell's Prologue

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this is a story that im collabing with HollyMHolliday to write. she'll do a chapter than ill do a chapter untill we either get bored, or we end the story.

Abused and forgotten: Mitchell's Prologue

"No! No! Please! Stop!" I screamed as he hits me repeatedly. "Take that you stupid, little wussy!!" he yelled at me. "Please stop!" I yelled back. "DON'T YELL AT ME!" he screamed as he punched my face so hard I fell to the floor. I lay on the floor, curled in a ball, waiting me for him to punch me or kick me. But the punches and kicks never came. I ease up a little bit. "I don't even know why I made you my boyfriend. You're not good for anything except being a punching bag!" He said to me. "You're barely even good at that. You can't even take a punch. Freaking wussy" he said as he kicked me in the ribs and went out the door. I lie on the floor, writhing in pain, and sob for several minutes. "Why does he treat me like this?" I ask myself between sobs........

My name is Mitchell, I am 15 yrs., old and this is my terrible, dysfunctional life. Why is it terrible you ask? Well for starters I am gay. That makes me a prime target for bullies. Second, my dad has been dead since I was 10. I miss him so much I don't go a day without thinking about him. He was the only one who accepted me for being gay. Even my mom doesn't treat me the same. No one does. And third, I have a boyfriend but, he's abusive. If anyone ever asks, he makes me to say I fell, or I was punched by a bully at school. I hate him so much but, there's nothing I can do. I'm too scared to do anything. I'm scared that he'll do something to me. And besides, if I told my mom or the cops, neither would do anything. I live in a small, traditional, town so; authority figures don't like gay people at all. They would tell me that he's just trying to toughen me up a bit or tell me to take it like a man. Ugh, I just wish I could find a guy who will love me and treat me right.....

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