Chapter 1- The Disease

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Chapter 1- The disease

The disease all started about 3 months ago. School had just got out for the summer, and I thought everything was perfect. But, one day, about a month into the summer. My dad walked down stairs wearing swimming trunks and a tank top. He was going with my sister to a pool at journey island, an amusement park downtown. "Kylee, can you run down to the store and get some sun screen?" My dad asked sounding desperate. "Sure... If you give me 5 dollars to get something for myself" I said with a mischievous grin on my face. "Sure sweetie" my dad said patting my head messing up my long dirty blonde hair. He handed me $10 and kissed me on the head. I slipped on my flip flops and ran though the door. A warm gust of wind hit me in the face sending my hair flying all over my face. I blew hair out of my face and ran down to my gravel driveway. I walk down my driveway onto the road. I turn around and look at my house... More like mansion. It's a 3 store house with a ginormous yard that is well mowed because my dad pays someone to mow it, just like he PAYS people to do everything else for him. I stated down the long road leading to town. There isn't another house for about a mile. I walked all the way to town but it was unusually quiet. I walked towards the store beginning to be a little creeped out because I hadn't seen one person since I got to town. I walked down autumn drive and suddenly I saw something that made me scream. A man up a head had a young women, about 20 years old, pinned down as he ate her like a cannibal! When I screamed the man looked up at me and I could tell immediately what he was because of all the scary movies I watched. He was a zombie. He stood up and started limping towards me. I turned around and ran for my life! I glanced behind me and realized, over 10 zombies had joined him and were coming towards me. I ran into a forest in town and didn't stop running. Sticks scratched my face and ripped my clothes and somewhere along the way, I lost a shoe. I kept running because I knew that if I did, I would make it to my house. I had to warn my dad and my sister, Josie, before the zombies got to our house! I kept running for what seemed like hours. When I was done running I turned and started walking towards the edge of the forest. I walked until I came to the gravel road and was staring up at my house.

I was surprised to see that there wasn't any zombies anywhere around my house. I walked up my long lawn, keeping my guards up, just in case. I walked up my front porch steps and turned the handle to the door, it was locked. I knocked, quietly at first, but increasingly got louder. Suddenly I heard footsteps inside. My dad opened the door slightly. As soon as he saw me he swung the door open and pulled me inside. He threw me inside. I turned around to see my dad frantically nailing boards over the doors and windows. When he was done with all three floors he walked down the stairs slowely, and sat down on the floor right in front of the door. I turn around to find that my 6 year old sister, Josie, had been standing behind me the whole time, with a one-peice swimsuit on, and a towel in her hand. She had a giant knot in her thin blonde hair, and she looked scared. I went and grabbed her hand and we walked over to dad. I sat beside him and Josie sat on his lap.

"Daddy, what's going on?" Josie asked in her soft high-pitched voice. My dad stared off into space running his long fingers through her hair.

"Shhh... Everything's going to be ok" my dad said. "Its gonna be ok"


A/N- hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I have nothing else to do so I might update again today! :) I'm so exited because tomorrow is my last day of school which means ill have more time to update! Ok bye lovelies!

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