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Kellin's Outfit Above

Twelve Years Later

Kellin sat in the bay window, her knees pulled up to her chest as she played with the end of her sweater, gaze resting lightly on the crystal flakes that coated the ground in a fluffy white blanket. The soft gray beanie on her head, black locks curling around her face as her blue eyes followed each flurry that fell delicately from the skin.

"Kells?" her friend asked her softly, catching Kellin's attention and smiling when Kellin motion him over. Taka wrapped his arms around his friend, the smaller teen cuddling into Taka's side before turning back to face the window, a content look covering her fragile face.

"You know, I heard that the Fuentes family are nice, they even have sons of their own. I'm sure that they will like you," Taka said quietly, Kellin turning to look at her friend, head tilted like a small and curious kitten, she'd never heard of the Fuentes family before. Who? I don't know them, Kellin signed, her small hands peeking over the edges of her black sweater sleeves.

"They-they want to adopt you. Jenna and Tay told them that you were the only one here who's never been adopted and after showing them your file, they said that they wanted to adopt you," Taka says. Kellin's eyes widen, her heart beginning to race and hammer against her ribs, she didn't know if it was from excitement of fear at the thought of finally having parents and siblings.

But me? Why? There are kids who are much better than me, Kellin signed, looking up at her friend, white teeth digging into her plump bottom lip, pulling the sleeves down to cover her hands down again.

"Well, they said that they'd always wanted someone to be the final piece in their little family. Mrs. Fuentes said that you were absolutely adorable, being small and shy, and that she'd love to have someone to help her around the house. Mr. Fuentes said that his boys would love you, you're quiet and feminine, and more fragile so his sons would be very protective. Kells, I think this family would be good for you," Taka says, taking the teen's pale hand in his, smiling at the rings that always found a home on her first finger.

Okay. Are they here? Kellin signed, smiling softly when Taka nodded before standing up, pouting internally when the Japanese male towered over her. Following behind Taka, Kellin peeked around her tall friend to see a man and a woman sitting down in the lounge room, chatting with Jenna who immediately noticed Taka standing there.

"Oh, this is Taka," Jenna says, pointing to the male who nodded and waved in greeting. "And hiding behind him is Kellin, don't mind her, she's shy," Jenna says, chuckling when Kellin squeaks and blushes when Taka places her body in front of him.

Vivian took in the appearance of the small teen, noting how Kellin was small, even smaller than her eldest son Vic. Vivian's eyes raked over Kellin, taking in how the sweater covered her pale hands to her bright blue irises that were framed by long black lashes to the light pink blush that was spread through her cheeks.

Vivian looked at her husband, smiling when she noticed the fond protectiveness in Victor's eyes. "Kellin, how would you like to come home with us?"

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