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Kellin *two months later*

"Hand over the IPod Kelly!" Vic shouts, chasing after me while I run towards the tree in the backyard, placing Vic's IPod in the waistband of my leggings before climbing the tree. I've been here for a total of three months, and I honestly love it here, no one was mean to me at school, I had my best friends, my family and Taka.

Mom and Dad were very accepting when I told them I was transgender, so was Vic and Mike just kind of hugged me saying that he will destroy anyone who would try to hurt me. Ash and the Goths were very accepting of me since their friend Ghost was bigender, though they do look intimidating, they were all really nice- the guys are like my other older brothers and the girls are like the sisters I've always wanted.

Last month, I spent the week with Taka, we went out for froyo, I saw his band play and I even met Of Mice & Men- Alan and Austin like to drop by the house when they're not on tour and will bring their adopted daughter Maddie with them. Tonight Alive, Jenna's band when she's not helping at the orphanage, had an adopted kids named Tash and Kay who were best friends with Maddie.

I learned a lot more about my brothers. Vic was seventeen and Mike was sixteen, both boys played in a band called Pierce The Veil, they were trying to get signed to a record label and they both enjoyed music dearly. During the time that I've been here, though it's been short, I've been singing more and more. My doctor, Ms. Jess, had said that the singing was helping my vocal cords get stronger and I may be able to speak by the time summer gets here.

Vic had chased me up a tree because I stole his IPod. But in my defense, he put my kitten Onyx on the top shelf of my bookcase when he knows that I can't reach it. Both of them are taller than me, they both started calling me Kelly the Shorty or Little Kells- I am four foot eight, I am an elf, but I'm cuter than them so ha ha ha. Lucky for me, I'm the only one who can climb trees well, the last time Mike tried he fell on a branch and let's just say he might not be able to have kids.

"Okay! Kelly, I'm sorry! But please give me back my IPod!" Vic yells up at me, but I giggle and shake my head. Say I'm the best little sister ever and you're a doody head, I sign down, giggling harder at the look on his face. "You're the best little sister ever and I'm a doody head," my elder brother calls up at me, his face dusted with red from him blushing.

Deciding that I've tortured him enough, I flip out of the tree, landing on my feet on the lowest branch before launching myself onto Vic's shoulders, making him fall backwards and I'm now sitting on his chest. Pecking his cheek, I place the device on Vic's stomach before going into the house, immediately being attacked by a small ball of black fluff.

Onyx reminds me of myself. Like me, she was pretty small and she had soft, fluffy black fur but her left eye is bright green and her right is bright blue. She's the runt of the litter, but she's my baby and I love her- I thanked couldn't stop thanking my family until Mike finally duct taped my hands together.

I think...I think I've finally found a place where I belong.

Short and sweet, like Kae. -Becca xox

Ignore her she's just an asshole -Kae

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