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I sat in front of my vanity, being careful as I applied my lip gloss, the translucent pink adding a satin sheen to my lipstick. "You look beautiful mija," I heard Mama say, holding something in her hands, a smile on her face.

"Thank you Mama," I said, standing up and slipping on my shoes and adjusting the Death Star ring that was on my index finger, Tony got it for me and Mike got me the Harry Potter t-shirt that I was wearing. Oli was taking me to a Three Days Grace concert, Tash, Maddie and Kae would be there with their dates Evan, Hayley and Hannah, Oli's little sister.

Mama brings something from behind her back, it was a beautifully woven choker, three small pink roses attached to it. "Mama, it's beautiful," and she nods motioning for me to lift my hair up before placing the necklace on my neck, a smile on her face. "That necklace has been in my family for five generations, my mother gave it to me on my first date and her mother before her. At first I thought I'd have to wait until Vic or Mike had children, but now I have you, my beautiful little girl. Now, go on, I'm pretty sure that the boys and your father are scaring the poor boy," She says, chuckling, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you Mama, I love you," I whisper, trying not to cry. Mama hugs me tighter, pressing a kiss to my forehead before taking my hand and leading me downstairs, my eyes landing on a nervous/terrified looking Oli while Papa, Mike and Vic had smug looks on their faces. "Okay, okay, stop torturing our little mija's date," Mama scolds, but the boy's widen when I walk down stairs, Oli's jaw had dropped a little while Vic just looked like he was going over different ways to keep me from going out.

"You look stunning," Oli whispers, making my face turn pink in embarrassment, his brown eyes were filled with adoration as I moved closer to him and rested against him. "Hurt my sister and I'll make sure the police never find your body, Oliver," Vic growls, before smiling when Oli pales. "Let's go Oli, bye guys," I yell, dragging Oli outside where the guys were waiting.

****Time skip bc I'm too lazy and I really love Three Days Grace. Song up in the media, it's called Fallen Angel and I LOVE IT SO MUCH****

Late at night I could hear them crying

I hear it all, trying to fall asleep

When all the love around you is dying

How do you stay so strong?

How did you hide it all for so long?

How can I take the pain away?

How can I save

A fallen angel, in the dark

Never thought you'd fall so far

Fallen angel, close your eyes

I won't let you fall tonight

Fallen angel

My heart practically breaks out of my chest when Matt looks at me, grabbing my hand and holding the microphone up to my lips. Before I know it I'm singing the next parts with him, Matt pulling me onto the stage while Oli cheers loudly.

You do it all for my own protection

You make me feel like I'll be okay

Still I have so many questions

How do you stay so strong?

How did you hide it all for so long?

How can I take the pain away?

How can I save

A fallen angel, in the dark

Never thought you'd fall so far

Fallen angel, close your eyes

I won't let you fall tonight

Fallen angel, just let go

You don't have to be alone

Fallen angel, close your eyes

I won't let you fall tonight

I was right beside you

When you went to hell and back again

I was right beside you

When you went to hell and back again

And I, I couldn't save, a fallen angel

A fallen angel, in the dark

Never thought you'd fall so far

Fallen angel, close your eyes

I won't let you fall tonight

Fallen angel, just let go

You don't have to be alone

Fallen angel, close your eyes

I won't let you fall tonight

Fallen angel

"What's your name, angel?" Matt asks me, breathing a little heavily, but a goofy smile is on his face. "My name is Kellin," I say, blushing when I see Oli blow a kiss at me,"Well, give it up for Kellin everyone!" Matt yells to the crowd, side hugging me and I think I died a little.

****Another time skip cause I'm lazy****

"Thank you Oli, this was nice-," I begin to say but I'm cut off by Oli quickly kissing me, my face turn five shades of pink in about two seconds. "Goodnight love," Oli says, kissing me softly again before going to his car.

Best. Date. Ever.

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