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Kellin ***time skip three months****

These past months with my family, friends and Oli have been amazing. We have been going strong with only one major argument when he was driving somewhere but refused to ask for directions so we ended up having to have our parents drive three hours to get us. Let's just say that Oli got the silent treatment for three days, but other than that we had been going strong.

I found out that Taka went back to Japan to do his first tour with his band One OK Rock, they were really good so I was more that happy when I found that out. I met Oli's group of friends, Maddie, Tash and Kae goofed around a lot, while the guys were really laid back, and it was funny that time Matt accidentally sat on Tash.

Right now I was sitting on a small couch in Oli's basement, listening to his band play a song called Deathbeds, Kae and Hannah were singing backup. The song was beautiful, no doubt, but it seemed so sad, was there something that I was missing? "How did ya like that?" Oli asked me, breaking me away from my thoughts, and I nodded at him, smiling widely.

"Thank's love," Oli says, kissing me on the cheek and chuckling when I blush. And for the rest of the day, we just stay in each other's arms, having fun and living the day to the fullest. But I didn't know that a lot was going to change, because suddenly the door bursts open and in walks two people who I hoped to never see again.

My parents.

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