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Song above: Riot by Three Days Grace



My breath froze in my throat, the memories of all those beatings and horrible things surfacing in my mind, my eyes beginning to fill with tears as I scoot closer to Oli. "Not to be mean, but who tha 'ell are you and why are you 'ere?" Oli says, wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"I'm Yasmine Bostwick, this is my husband Jeuse Bostwick. We are Kellin's real parents," she says, and I swear I hear Oli growl, I peek up to see him glaring at them with a dark gleam in his eyes. Sneakily, I get out my phone, sending a text to Vic, Mike, Chris, Ghost and Jeffree.

Help, my birth parents are here at Oli's -Kelly

On my way! - Viccy

Hold on kitty! - Mikey

We're coming! Hold tight!- Chrissy

On my way chickadee! - Ghosty

Coming! I'm bring the mace and baton!- J. Star

"I know what you did to her, why are you even here?" Oli says, standing up, effectively hiding me behind him. "I wanted to see how my babygirl grew up, we both got clean and spent years inside of rehab and therapy. I'm not saying we deserve to be your parents, we just want to see her," Yasmine says, tearing up a little.

"Why should we let that happen?" I hear Vic yell, and I automatically running into his arms and hiding my face in his chest, my tears falling from my eyes and absorbing into his shirt. They all argue, I can hear Yasmine pleading with them over my cries and Jeffree cussing her out so fast a sailor would be proud, I can practically feel Vic shaking with anger as I cry.

"Shush, hermana. It's okay, you'll be okay," Vic coos, but I can't calm down. I spent years upon years trying to heal, they had nearly killed me so many times, my own father had molested me before I could even speak. They were the reasons that I was in a hospital for four and a half years, the reason I had to take sleeping pills just to fall asleep and that a baby monitor sat on my dresser, the reason I couldn't be seen naked by anyone but mama.

They were the reasons I was so messed up, and I could never forgive them for that, no matter what they've done to think they deserve my forgiveness. Vic, Mike, Mama and Papa- they were my real family despite no blood relation, they were everything I didn't get to experience. And this time, I wasn't going to be weak, I was tired of letting them control my life, they were going to know it too.

Wiping my eyes, I pulled out of Vic's embrace, watching as everyone kept arguing with each other. Knowing Vic's gaze was on my, I took a deep breath in before channeling what Oli, Chris, Austin and Andy taught, taking my all of my anger before opening my mouth and screaming loudly and clearly,"Shut up!" It felt good to see their shocked faces at the noise that left my mouth, all that practice had come to good use because this time I wasn't backing down.

"Damn," I here Jeffree and Chris whisper, everyone else staring at me while I walked closer to my birth parents. "How dare you?" I growl,"How dare you even decide to come here? You nearly killed me, simply because I was transgender. You let him molest me, you poisoned me so many times that it's a miracle that I'm even alive. I couldn't speak for thirteen years, because you hurt me so bad. I was in a hospital for four and a half years, I was kept under constant supervision so my nightmares wouldn't kill myself from not being able to sleep soundly. I had to be drugged out of my mind just to have a simple check up, I was constantly terrified for so many years. And then you have the nerve to come here and ask to see me?"

"You hurt me so many times, you mentally scarred me for life because you hated my gender. How dare you? I should've said this minute you walked through that door. Stay away from me, stay out of my life, and one more crucial thing," I say before letting out a death scream,"Go fuck yourself!"

Yasmine and Jeuse look at me in horror before turning around and leaving quickly. It felt good to finally let all of my supressed anger out, they needed to know that I wasn't going to let them control my life anymore. "Damn," Oli says, walking up to me and kissing my forehead as my friends and brothers cheer.

I was finally free.

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