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I giggle silently as we sneak up behind Chris, the tall male having an avid conversation with Ash and Balz, his boyfriend and best friend. Ghost and I decided to prank them; I had become more mischievous since I met my friends but they didn't mind seeing as how they were harmless, like the time we but three day yellow hair dye in shampoo or the time we put baby powder in Ricky's hair dryer.

Ghost nods at me before I jump on Chris back, covering his eyes while Ghost goes up to his ear and screams in it. "OKAY OKAY I'LL GIVE YOU MY MONEY JUST GET THE LITTLE ELF OFF OF ME!" Chris yells, laughing as I jump off of his back and go in front of him, stomping my foot and pouting. I am not that short you but, I sign, pouting more when he laughs, ruffling my hair but pulls it back when I swatted at him.

"Kelly, you're four foot eight. You're shorter than Vic, Frank and Tay- hell, you're shorter than Nick and I didn't think that was possible. Quit glaring, you look like a pissed of kitten," Chris says. I huff, turning to Ash and Balz who were trying to hold back their laughter. Am I really an elf? I sign and they nod, smiling.. Y'all are mean, I'm gonna go get me some skittles, and I walk away.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, so I crashed into a hard chest. Whining quietly, I rub my head, looking up to see who I ran into but I was so surprised- this guy was really attractive. He had long dark brown hair with dark eyes to match, tannish skin that was covered by a plethora of tattoos, chiseled features and biceps that seem like they're bigger than my head. "Oi, you okay?" the guy asks me, his thick British accent making me blush- he's hot....with a british accent....oh my Hemmings.

Nodding, I stand up slowly. "See you around, beautiful," he says, and I swear I melted then and there. He gave me this weird feeling, and it felt kind of.....good.


I can feel the air getting knocked out of me as someone crashes into my stomach, they must have been pretty shorts because I could only see a mess of black hair that yelped in surprise. "Oi, you okay?" I ask the person, stunned when I'm met with an extremely beautiful girl who was blushing.

Long black hair with streaks of red and blue that fell in a glossy curtain down her small shoulders, a curvy little body that was covered in a skin hugging sweater dress and small hands that brushed the hair out her eyes. Her eyes were a bright, shocking blue though I could see green and gray by her irises, full, plump roseate lips that looked so soft. Her long lashes brushed her cheekbones, she was stunning.

She nods slowly, her blush growing darker. Cute. "See you around beautiful," I tell her before walking away to go find my little sister Hannah.

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